A New Service: AIDS Treatment Information Centre (ATIC)
Dear All,
Greetings from all the staff of the Academic Alliance for AIDS
Care and Prevention in Africa. We are pleased to write to you to
introduce the AIDS Treatment Information Centre (ATIC). ATIC is
a Program of the Academic Alliance for AIDS Care and Prevention
in Africa based in Uganda which was developed to meet the need
for rapid, correct responses to a wide variety of questions in
HIV care and to provide a continuous source of well-formulated
and succinct information to health care providers.
Health providers in Uganda and Africa are calling and e-mailing
in to receive answers to a variety of questions. Over the past
six months, more than 160 queries on issues ranging from dosing
in low weight populations and patients with compromised liver
and renal functions, to drug interactions have been answered.
Information is provided by Clinical Pharmacists and Physicians
specialized in the field of HIV/AIDS.
ATIC is also able to provide PROACTIVE INFORMATION through the
distribution of a quarterly newsletter and an ATIC website in-
formation resource centre (Our first ATIC newsletter issue came
out in March, the second issue in June, and the third is due in
September). Your contributions are welcome. Our website is not
operational yet but we are in the final stages of collecting all
the web content we need. This website will address all our ob-
jectives and will specifically have current treatment news, re-
search, clinical cases presented by the IDI medical staff and
will host a discussion board on our website which will be coor-
dinated by a multi-disciplinary team of renowned experts in the
provision of HIV/AIDS treatment and care information.
We are due to conduct OPERATIONAL RESEARCH through Pharmacovigi-
lance, Development of Clinical care pathways and institution of
ARV Treatment Systems evaluation & user satisfaction. We will
also be conducting CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION to Health Care
Providers throughout the African region through training initia-
tives, conducting outreach programmes and holding regional and
national workshops.
We are already subscribing to the most recent journals and data-
bases providing treatment information. ATIC will be more than
glad to help you with any queries on treatment, care and preven-
tion and any other information you deem as necessary for your
practice. Please tell the Healthcare providers you get in touch
with about ATIC services as detailed above. We can tentatively
be reached on the following lines and e-mail addresses, and we
can always call you back to minimize your cost of calling us:
Tel: +256-41-542-283 or +256-41-542-352
Mobile: +256-77-835-827 or +256-77-595-762
Yours faithfully,
Edith T.Bagambe
Program Assistant