[afro-nets] We need your Help for our HIV/AIDS Programme

We need your Help for our HIV/AIDS Programme

Dear All,

We are looking out for people and organisations that can provide
us with information and support in setting up a treatment centre

We are a Christian health services system in Cameroon, compris-
ing four hospitals and over thirty health centre run by the
Presbyterian Church in Cameroon. These centres are spread over
the national territory. We consult an average of one hundred pa-
tients a day in one of these centres situated in the metropoli-
tan city of Douala, Cameroon. Inevitably, we see several thou-
sands of cases with HIV/AIDS many of whom could benefit from
antiretroviral therapy. The majority of cases end up dying with-
out treatment. It is here in Douala that we wish to set up the
first treatment centre for HIV/AIDS, within our healthcare de-
livery system.

The present dispensation set out by the Cameroonian government
falls far short in both quality (frequent drug stock outs, bu-
reaucracy) and coverage. A few private clinics have started ARV
treatment programs, but these are too expensive for the people
we serve. We wish to complement the government efforts.

Because of the large number of patients we see each day, and
their trust in our services, a treatment centre will go a long
way in improving the health status of affected persons and in
reducing the terrible stigma attached to the disease.

We wish to have information and/or support in:

* Training of our personnel in ARV therapy. (physicians, clini-
cal officers, nurses ) Diploma, Certificate courses, Seminars.

* Training of our laboratory personnel in the laboratory diagno-
sis, pre-therapy screening tests and the handling/use of related

* Information on how to acquire relevant laboratory equipment
and drugs for the programme. (CD4 counter, etc.)

Dr. Chunke Peter
Medical Officer incharge
Presbyterian Health Centre Douala
B.P. 17144, Douala
Tel: +237-340-9837 (Office)
Tel: +237-347-7368 (Home)
Mobile: +237-774-8447

We need your Help for our HIV/AIDS Programme (2)

Hi Peter,

In Cameroon, there are other Christian Health Services like the
Catholic Health Service and the Baptist Health Service that have
established vibrant HIV treatment centres. I am sure you can
liase with them.

Also, you may need approval from the National AIDS Control Com-
mittee (NACC) and/or Ministry of Public Health to be designated
an approved HIV treatment centre. As far as I know these bodies
have carried out numerous training programs for Doctors and
other Health personnel in HIV care, including ARV use.

I hope you find some help in these places. All the best in your

Val Ngwa, MD
St. James University Hospital
Leeds, UK

We need your Help for our HIV/AIDS Programme (3)

Hi Peter,

I hope that all the plans to set up treatment centres work out.

We are pleased to introduce the AIDS Treatment Information Cen-
tre (ATIC).

ATIC is a Program of the Academic Alliance for AIDS Care and
Prevention in Africa which was developed to meet the need for
rapid, correct responses to a wide variety of questions in HIV
care and to provide a continuous source of well - formulated and
succinct information to health care providers.

One of our main mandates is to help provide information to
health care providers managing HIV/AIDS patients throughout Af-
rica. In their practice, many health care providers often come
up with queries on how to manage different issues. Our job is to
receive these queries and send back the answers as fast as pos-
sible. This may be done using email or a toll free phone system.
Queries may be on dosing, side effects, availability of drugs
and management of co-morbidities such as TB and other opportun-
istic infections. You can send queries to:
mailto:skidde@iph.ac.ug or mailto:rnganwa@iph.ac.ug

I hope this will prove to be an invaluable service to you.

Please get in touch with us concerning any queries you may have.


Robinah Nganwa
HIV Clinical Pharmacist
AIDS Treatment Information Centre
Academic Alliance

We need your Help for our HIV/AIDS Programme (4)

Hi Peter,

Thought that you may be interested in participating in this
training programme that runs about 6 times a year.

The Infectious Diseases Institute - HIV/AIDS Training Program a
project of the Academic Alliance for AIDS Care & Prevention in


The Academic Alliance for AIDS Care and Prevention in Africa was
formed as a partnership between infectious diseases and public
health experts in Uganda and in North America to address
HIV/AIDS related care, treatment and prevention issues. In April
2002, the HIV/AIDS Training Program for Medical Doctors in Af-
rica was launched as a collaborative effort between the Academic
Alliance (AA), Makerere University and the Infectious Diseases
Society of America (IDSA).

To provide state of the art HIV/AIDS care and prevention through
training and operational research.

The following are the goal statements for the Training Program:
* To enhance the capacity of health care workers in Africa to
deliver comprehensive HIV care and prevention.

* To be a model of regional training in HIV/AIDS related pro-
grams and research.

* To contribute to the development of leaders in HIV/AIDS re-
lated programs and research.

Course content
Program curricula include formal lectures; case studies; journal
club discussions, and practical clinical experience in caring
for HIV-infected adults and children. The medical doctor-
training program is based on a train-the-trainer format and is
one month in length. The curriculum was developed by an expert
committee of Academic Alliance and IDSA members and includes a
wide range of topics, including, but not limited to, the follow-
ing: global epidemiology of HIV infection; HIV basic science;
clinical manifestations and practical laboratory experience in
procedures to diagnose HIV infection and AIDS-associated infec-
tions; antiretroviral therapy and drug adherence; HIV preven-
tion; palliative care; clinical trials design.

In order to assess the progress made by trainees at the comple-
tion of the session, pre and post test examinations are adminis-
tered at the beginning and end of the course respectively. Prior
to admission, trainees are requested to prepare and present
cases drawn from their own practice. In addition to the pre-
test, trainees are required to complete a set of weekly take
home examination of approximately 45 questions each week drawn
from specific topics covered in a given week. Trainees are also
exposed to medical research through journal clubs and group re-
search priorities assignments. Through computer Internet
searches, the trainees are also able to develop their techno-
logical skills and find updated scientific literature on the
Internet. Finally, the trainees complete a 40 question proctored
exam to establish individual knowledge levels of the course ma-
terial. Clinical assessment is also conducted at the end of the
training session to assess the students' practical skills in pa-
tient care. A Certificate of Completion is awarded at the end of
the training session to students who complete all course assign-
ments and requirements satisfactorily.

The Academic Alliance has formed partnerships with many organi-
zations working in the HIV/AIDS field in Uganda, both governmen-
tal and non-governmental. Such partnerships have enriched the
training program.

Admission Requirements
Admission requirements include a degree in the medical field and
one year of internship. Applications are screened and rated by a
selection committee. Current available funding for support of
the training program has enabled the Academic Alliance to offer
the course tuition free for 18 -25 trainees per session in 2004.
Selection is based on geographic considerations and the appli-
cant's actual or planned role in caring for people with HIV dis-
ease in his or her community. To be considered for the training
program, applicants must submit the following documents:
* a completed application form

* a supporting letter from the applicant's employing institution
(e.g., hospital administrator, clinical director, service chief,
departmental chair) indicating the applicant's role in patient
care and/or training of other health care providers as well as
expected benefits of the applicant's training to the institution

* copies of license of registration of practice and relevant
academic transcripts

* a current curriculum vitae

For more information please contact:

Training Manager
IDI Training Office
IDI Building, 2nd Floor, Room 236
Faculty of Medicine, Makerere University
Mulago Hospital Complex
P.O. Box 22418, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-41-307-212 /307-208
Fax: +256-31-307-291
Website: http://www.aaacp.org


Robinah Nganwa
HIV Clinical Pharmacist
AIDS Treatment Information Centre
Academic Alliance

We need your Help for our HIV/AIDS Programme (5)

Hello Dr Peter,

I am Medical Officer & President AIDS Control Society, Health
Department Govt. of Pakistan, please let me know how can I help

Best Regards.

Dr Shakeel A. Minhas