A Word of Thanks
Dear colleagues,
this is to thank you very much for your messages - sent either
individually or via the AFRO-NETS mailing list - appreciating
the work I have done in establishing and maintaining the list
during the last ten years. As I said before, I won�t be out of
this world but retiring from GTZ and travelling a bit more out-
side Africa.
Please extend your support to my colleague Brian Pazvakavambwa
who - without hesitation - has taken over the not always so easy
task of moderating such a lively list.
I shall continue to edit the Public Health Newsletter for GTZ
that you can receive free of charge on a weekly basis. The pub-
lication is between 15 and 20 pages in Adobe PDF format - not
larger than 350 kB and deals with summaries of books, online
publications, electronic resources, web pages, training opportu-
nities, conferences and computer and internet tips & tricks.
If you are interested in the newsletter you can subscribe for
free by sending an e-mail to:
with the following command in the body of your e-mail message:
subscribe hpn-news-notes
Thanks again and best regards,
Dieter Neuvians