AFRO-NETS> Abortion and the death sentence (12)

Abortion and the death sentence (12)

On Assisted Suicide, Abortion, and the Death Penalty:

One approach to solving this intractable policy controversy is to ex-
plore the merits of "assisted suicide" instead of the death penalty.
Regardless of the various rhetoric manoeuvres that attempt to excul-
pate citizens from the guilt of legally mandated death, it is still
murder. But not so, if those guilty of murder are encouraged by the
state to commit suicide. This approach is somewhat more tricky when
applied to abortions, but in a real sense, pregnant women who choose
to abort can be considered as committing a 'petite' suicide. Jack
Kevorkian has somehow giving assisted suicide a controversial reputa-
tion in the US, and a lot of work needs to be done to reframe the is-

Dele Ogunseitan

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