AFRO-NETS> Abortion and the death sentence (7)

Abortion and the death sentence (7)

I think labelling my country as "full of fanatics" is a bit of a pot
and kettle scenario no matter where you are writing from. While I am
a pro-choice supporter at heart, I can understand the argument of the
pro-life movement. It is based on their belief that human life begins
at conception. Like all beliefs, it is pointless to argue with them
since all of their resulting logic is based on that presupposition.

I think most Americans support the idea of a woman's right to choose
up until the last months of pregnancy, when a majority become uncom-
fortable with the idea. In a sense, popular opinion reflects our own,
somewhat malleable beliefs on when the foetus becomes a human being.
Although I am not an expert on the subject, I believe other (presuma-
bly more sane) nations such as France have policy that reflects such
ambiguous thinking.

Ms/Mr Nayak was correct in asserting the difference between the death
penalty and abortion. However, that does not mean abortion is not a
complicated issue in its own right.

J. Niels Rosenquist

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