[afro-nets] Africa: Cholera outbreaks, Yr. 2005 updates

Africa: Cholera outbreaks, Yr. 2005 updates

Cholera is an acute intestinal communicable infection caused by
the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It has a short incubation period,
from less than one day to five days. The bacterium produces an
enterotoxin that causes copious, painless, watery diarrhoea.
This can quickly lead to severe dehydration and death if treat-
ment is not promptly given. Vomiting also occurs in most pa-

Cholera is spread by contaminated water and food and sudden
large outbreaks are usually caused by a contaminated water sup-
ply. Only rarely is cholera transmitted by direct person-to-
person contact. In highly endemic areas, it is mainly a disease
of young children.

The WHO reports that "in 1970 cholera invaded West Africa, which
had not experienced the disease for more than 100 years. The
disease quickly spread to a number of countries and eventually
became endemic in most of the continent." (WHO Factsheet, #107.
March 2000)

Hardly a month passes without cholera outbreak in one African
country or the other.

Below is a link to an on-going project to update credible re-
ports about cholera outbreaks in African countries for year

Africa: Cholera outbreaks, Yr. 2005 updates

A. Odutola

Cure for HIV/AIDS - Truth or fairy tales?

Dear A. Odutola,

Greetings, this is Aruna Hewapathirane in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

You may remember me from past conversations we have had on the
forum regarding access for all to ARV's. I now am very direly in
need of your expertise and also your vast experience in (West &
East) Africa.

We have recently been presented with information that a certain
Nigerian Doctor has found a CURE for HIV/AIDS and there is a
stampede of people who are all badgering us to provide the air
fare and the money to pay for this treatment.

Are you aware of this and if so can you endorse this treatment?
Or is it just another one of those hoaxes that is coming more
and more often out of West Africa? Please advise as we are not
sure about this Doctor Jeremiah Abalaka who is at the "Medicrest
Hospital or his claims of finding and producing curative vac-
cines for H.I.V".

Looking forward to absolutely 'any' feedback at all from any one
out there actually. Thank you and please let us know as people
here are willing to sell their homes literally to obtain this

Yours sincerely,
Aruna Hewapathirane

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About a "Cure for HIV virus Discovered by Dr. Jeremiah Abalaka."
"Medicrest Hospital was therefore established to confirm the
Doctor's finding and produce curative vaccines for H.I.V." Dr.
Abalaka "has also invented an H.I.V. PREVENTIVE VACCINE code-
named PABALAKS." The hospital is in Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria.
A May 2002 Daily Trust article reported on Nigerian Governments
efforts to stop use of the vaccine. http://www.abalaka.com/