AFRO-NETS Conference
I have been receiving AFRO-NETS information for two weeks now and I
was very interested in what I read. However, I have five questions:
1. I didn't understand why the topic is limited to Eastern and South-
ern Africa. Is there another Conference for Western and Northern
[The conference is not limited to Southern and Eastern Africa but was
initiated by countries from that region and meant for English speak-
ing countries DN. Mod.]
2. More than discussing, maybe we could use the Conference to present
our actions and reflections. Was it decided not to do so, or to
present everyone when the discussion needs it?
[It is up to the subscribers what they want to see on the conference.
We also have the chance to place documents (research results, inter-
ventions etc.) as documents on the HealthNet server for downloading]
3. Is it technically possible to choose to receive (or not to re-
ceive) all messages related to one subject ? To select subjects
and get only these messages.
[Not at the moment. But subscribers can set filters in most of the
common e-mail programmes to filter incoming messages according to
their topics and to act accordingly (trash them, put them in a cer-
tain folder etc.) The other possibility is to subscribe to the AFRO-
NETS digest and receive a summary of 7 to 10 messages once or twice a
week. The last option is to unsubscribe from AFRO-NETS and visit the
AFRO-NETS home page ( from time to
time and let the WebGlimpse search engine look in all contributions
for the topics you are interested in.]
4. Are you interested in results for dissemination in French ?
[I think our French speaking subscriber base too small. But neverthe-
less we are interested in English abstracts of research results from
French speaking countries.]
5. I am working mainly on AIDS in children in West Africa, as a MD
specialised in Public Health and Medical Anthropology. I am inter-
ested in getting in touch with people who have worked on the ques-
tion of HIV transmission through breast-feeding from a sociologi-
cal, anthropological, economical and public health point of view.
I just finished my PhD in anthropology on pediatric AIDS in Burk-
ina Faso (title: "The invisible epidemic"), and the question of
HIV and breast-feeding is a really difficult question in that
country, where nearly all mothers breast-feed, the HIV prevalence
rate being around 14% in some areas.
Next year I shall conduct a research project in anthropology on
"Perceptions, practices, people and breast-feeding in West Africa
in the context of the HIV pandemic". I am interested in all kinds
of ethnological or anthropological data on breast-feeding -related
to HIV or not- in Africa.
Who can help me ?
Thank you for your answers.
Alice Desclaux
R�seau Soci�t�s d'Afrique et sida, Bordeaux, France
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