AMANET Training Workshop on Molecular Biology and Immunology in
Malaria Vaccine Development
1 - 5 November 2004
Rosebank Hotel, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
Malaria remains a major health concern in most parts of Africa
despite various control measures such as prompt and adequate
treatment, intermittent presumptive treatment, chemoprophylaxis,
and vector control using insecticide treated materials including
bednets and source reduction.
The sequencing of Plasmodium falciparum genome and recent ad-
vances in vaccinology, molecular biology and immunology as well
as improvement in funding opportunities in malaria research have
made malaria vaccine an attractive option as a potential addi-
tional intervention tool. To keep abreast with such advances and
prepare African scientists to seize opportunities in the field
of malaria vaccinology, AMANET in collaboration with Wits Health
Consortium of the University of the Witwatersrand will conduct a
training workshop on molecular biology and immunology in the de-
velopment of malaria vaccines. The workshop aims at forming a
forum for African scientists working on malaria to gain new in-
formation and knowledge through lectures and discussions from
experts in the field as well exchange views and experiences
gained from their daily activities.
1. To introduce new advances in molecular biology and immunology
of malaria vaccines
2. To discuss malaria vaccine research problems in Africa in re-
lations to molecular biology and immunology
3. To introduce South-South collaboration, mentorship and net-
working among African molecular biologists and immunologists.
Workshop format
The workshop will be conducted in the form of lectures by fa-
cilitators as well as through small group discussions and ple-
nary presentations among participants. The topics will cover re-
cent developments in pertinent areas including:
* Malaria immunity and roles of B and T cells
* Immune correlates in malaria vaccine evaluation
* Malaria vaccine development pipeline
* Current malaria vaccine candidates
* Clinical trials for evaluation of candidate malaria vaccines
* Malaria parasite diversity and vaccine development
* Host genetic factors and protection from malaria
* Experiences in setting up molecular biology and immunology
laboratories in Africa
* Networking and collaborative research in Africa
* Genetics and mapping of drug and insecticide resistance
* Ethics issues in malaria vaccine trials
Michael Theisen � Statens Serum Institute, Denmark
Fred Kironde � Makerere University, Uganda
S�ren Jepsen � European Malaria Vaccine Initiative
Francine Ntoumi � Albert Schweitzer Hospital Medical Research
Unit, Gabon
Hassan Mshinda � Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre,
Daniel Dodoo � Noguchi Memorial Institute of Medical Research,
Adrian Luty � University of T�bingen, Germany
Theresa Coetzer � University of Witwatersrand
Nicola Shongwe � University of the Witwatersrand
Maureen Coetzee � University of the Witwatersrand
Richard Hunt � University of the Witwatersrand
Wen Kilama � African Malaria Network Trust
Charles S. Mgone � African Malaria Network Trust
Roma Chilengi � African Malaria Network Trust
Successful applicants will be awarded AMANET scholarships, which
will cover economy airfares, tuition course fees, teaching mate-
rials, lunches and accommodation during the workshop. A small
allowance will be paid to participants for evening meals. Organ-
isers will, however, not be responsible for expenses met during
transit or for procuring visas.
Rosebank Hotel
Cnr. Tyrwitt & Sturdee Avenue
Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27-11-447-2700
Fax: +27-11-447-3276
Applications are invited from malaria researchers in African in-
stitutions who are already working in the relevant area of mo-
lecular biology and immunology and are of middle or senior rank.
Interested persons should submit a complete application, which
must include a brief curriculum vitae of not more than one page,
summary of their research work in not more than ten lines justi-
fying how they and their institutions would benefit from the
workshop. The application must be accompanied with names and ad-
dresses of two referees, including their telephone numbers and
email. Applicants should ask their referees to send letters of
recommendation directly to the following address:
The Workshop on Molecular Biology and Immunology in Malaria Vac-
cine Development
African Malaria Network Trust
Commission for Science and Technology Building
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Room D26
P O Box 33207, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255-22-2700-018
Fax: +255-22-2700-380
Applications must be received by 30 September 2004.