AFRO-NETS> AMVTN Newsletter 9th Issue, June 2001

AMVTN Newsletter 9th Issue, June 2001

Please find the 9th issue of the Newsletter of the African Malaria
Vaccine Testing Network on the AFRO-NETS server at:

for downloading as an Adobe PDF file (8 pages, 343 kB).


* Editorial
* Development and Validation of New Mathematical Models of Plasmodium
  falciparum Malaria
* Upcoming AMVTN Events
* 2nd AMVTN Workshop on Molecular Biology and Immunology on Malaria
* Workshop on Ethics Review Committees in Africa
* Call for Workshop Application

Yours sincerely,

Professor W. L. Kilama
Chairman, AMVTN Coordinating Committee
C26/27 Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology Building
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Kijitonyama
P.O.Box 33207,Dar es Salaam
Tel: +255-22-270-0018
Fax: +255-22-270-0380

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