African Malaria Vaccine Testing Newsletter - 10th Issue
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to attach the 10th issue of the African Malaria Vaccine
Testing Newsletter dated December 2001. The AMVTN Secretariat will
appreciate receiving your views and comments on the contents.
The last page of this Newsletter contains a call to the AMVTN/AMANET
Joint Workshop on Health Research Ethics and Good Clinical Practice
July 2002. Please bring it to the attention of your colleagues, stu-
dents and whoever you feel would benefit from participation. The
AMVTN will award full scholarships, including travel costs for those
Yours sincerely,
Prof. W. L. Kilama
Chairman cum Coordinator
African Malaria Vaccine Testing Network
C26/27 Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology Building
P.O. Box 33207
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255-22-2700-018
Fax: +255-22-2700-380
Tel: +255-22-2647-217 (home)
Cellular: +255-744-777-767
[From the Moderator:
we have placed the AMVTN Newsletter as an Adobe PDF file (281 kB) on
the AFRO-NETS server for downloading. Please go to: and click 'AFRO-NETS documents', D.N.]
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