AFRO-NETS> Health Research Ethics in Africa - Supplement online

Health Research Ethics in Africa - Supplement online

Re: African Malaria Vaccine Testing Network (AMVTN) seminar

For your information and follow up, the proceedings of the AMVTN
Seminar on Health Research Ethics in Africa (126 pp.) have now been
published in print as well as online in the journal Acta Tropica Vol.
78 Supplement 1 (January 2001).

ScienceDirect and Parasitology Online users worldwide will already
have online access to the highly interesting material. However, there
is a large community in both developing and developed world that
should be interested in this health ethics issue but would not neces-
sarily scan the tropical medicine literature and find this material.
Please help us distribute this information using your local newslet-
ters/website/informal networks, etc.

Everyone with Internet access can now enjoy temporary FREE access to
the full text of a number of parasitology journals (4), including the
AMVTN Supplement in Acta Tropica, using PARASITOLOGY ONLINE at:

The website has attracted over 25,000 hits per months during the last
quarter and already acts as a successful portal to the parasitology

Parasitology Online will continue to provide free access to the full
text of special issues and review articles to maximise visibility of
this interesting material. This service should be of interest to eve-
ryone in Africa and elsewhere where access to literature is limited.

Thank you very much for your help in spreading this important news.

With best wishes,

Adriaan Klinkenberg
Senior Publishing Editor
Microbiology Programme

Latest news:
Parasitology International has been included in Medline!

Please note - these journals are NEW and there is a CALL FOR PAPERS!

Infection, Genetics and Evolution

FEMS Yeast Research

You are invited to submit. Instructions to Authors can be found on
their websites.

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