AFRO-NETS> An African Immunology list-server (FAIS)

An African Immunology list-server (FAIS)

Dear colleague,

During the recent 3rd Congress of the Federation of African Immunological
Societies (FAIS) in Cape Town (9 - 13.03.97) it was decided that there is a
major need for improving communication between immunologists conducting
research in Africa. An obvious and cost-effective way of doing so is by
improving electronic communication. It was thus decided to establish a so-
called list-server, which is a sort of e-mail discussion group to which
anybody interested in the field of immunological research in Africa may
subscribe. After subscribing, any e-mail message you submit to the list
will be automatically broadcast to all subscribers. Similarly, you will
receive all messages posted to the list by other subscribers.

With the help of Ross Coppel, who is running a similar list-server for the
malaria research community, this African immunology list-server (called
FAIS) is now up and running. Below you'll find instructions on how to
subscribe to the list etc.

I sincerely hope that you will find this initiative a helpful tool in your
research activities, and shall be pleased to hear any comments you may have
regarding the list.

Yours sincerely,

Lars Hviid
Department of Infectious Diseases M7641
Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet
Tagensvej 20
2200 Copenhagen N
Tel. +45-35-457-375
Fax +45-35-457-644



This discussion group/mailing list is available for discussions in the
field of research specifically related to Immunology in Africa.

Subscription to this list can be done by sending an e-mail to: with a message of

subscribe fais Your Personal Name

subscribe fais Lars Hviid

NOTE: Your e-mail address is automatically collected from the "reply to:"
header in your message, so DO NOT provide your e-mail address on the
subscribe line, it is ignored and looks silly when other users retrieve
the 'recipients' information.

Once subscribed you can send messages to all members of this list by e-
mailing your message to

For help, write to:
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `'.
Mail administrative requests to `'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `'.