Bednets and Malaria
Once again we are hearing about the miraculous cure for malaria
that bednets represent. This is all nonsense. If bednets are
such a great idea, why are they not being recommended here in
the USA for defense against West Nile Virus?
There is no location on Earth that has ever controlled malaria
without controlling the Anopheles mosquito. If anybody doubts
this statement, let them do their own research.
Modern mosquito control makes use of source reduction, ground
fogging, aerial spraying, larvaciding and public education. I
know of no location in the developed world that makes any men-
tion of bed as a means of mosquito control. This includes places
such as California and Florida that have, from time to time, ex-
perienced outbreaks of malaria. When these outbreaks occur the
local mosquito control district goes to work spraying by air,
ground fogging and larvaciding. These operations ALWAYS stop the
spread of malaria.
These same methodologies can and should be applied in Africa to
interrupt the current malaria epidemics devastating many coun-
tries. The only reasons this kind of work is not being done is
the strangle hold that the environmental wackos have on the
folks with the money. It is time to tell the envirowackos to go
to hell.
Bill Nesler