AFRO-NETS> Behaviour modification - Malawi

Behaviour modification - Malawi

It is amazing how much effort and funds are being channelled into the
treatment of AIDS, and testing done to find a cure for AIDS. While I
think these efforts must continue, how much more should we be helping
populations of people make significant social and behavioural changes
to prevent AIDS in the first place!

AIDS is often easily preventable. Yes, there are innocent victims
such as babies born with the virus, in many parts of the world the
disease is spread through sex with multiple partners. While many con-
clude that people will continue to act in the way in which they have
always acted, I believe that in the skeletal face of AIDS, many mil-
lions of people are making critical behavioural changes preventing
themselves from contacting the virus.

Our organisation called ADRA is one of those who is helping to trans-
form societal behaviour. Societal customs are not sacred IF they are
killing the population. Our program is addressing any custom or gen-
erally practised community behaviour which increases the chances of
AIDS spreading to others. We appeal to the intelligence of community
leaders, we reason with them, we specifically name cultural norms
that are affecting the transmission of HIV. We ask what they feel
they can do about the problem. This mutually respectful discussion
builds trust. Changes which are brought about are done internally by
local leaders. These are the only changes which will last! Our meas-
urement of success is the degree to which communities leaders change
what they teach each other. Substitution of a harmless custom in
place of a harmful one, or outright removal of a custom are measure-
ments of success.

Every culture has it's own set of behavioural norms. Is prostitution
accepted? Is drug use common? Are there sexual "cleansing" rituals?
Who are the main influencers in the society? The media, parents, eld-
ers, peers, etc. What approach will bring the greatest societal be-
havioural change impact?

We have determined these in our society in Malawi, and are working to
make the best long term changes in partnership with the communities
in which we work.

I would be interested in reading about what other readers are doing
on a societal level.

Max Church, Director
ADRA Malawi
P.O. Box 951
Blantyre, Malawi
Fax: +265-624-980

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