C-CHANNEL E-NEWSLETTER: Social and Behavior Change Communication
ISSUE 35 | November 2011
To view the full issue, please visit <<http://c-changeproject.org/c/q2af6>http://c-changeproject.org/c/q2af6>
C-Channel 35 presents six articles on adapting HIV-related social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs and activities to countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The first describes a program adapted for adolescent girls in Ghana, and the second outlines the adaptation of an evaluation model to Masaii settings in Tanzania. Two articles on Kenya follow: one on the incorporation of Islamic teachings into prevention communications and one on the need to adapt multimodal texts for rural residents. When, how, and why HIV counselors in Malawi adapt Western testing guidelines is the subject of the next article, followed by one on US positive prevention models that may be suitable for Mozambique.
View abstracts and online full texts at <<http://c-changeproject.org/c/q2af6>http://c-changeproject.org/c/q2af6>
1. Adaptation of a U.S. HIV prevention program for girls in Ghana.
2. Adaptation of the RARE model to the Masaii context in Tanzania.
3. Islamic teaching in HIV prevention in Kenya
4. Localization of HIV/AIDS discourse in a rural community in Kenya
5. Adaptation of Western testing norms by HIV counselors in sub-Saharan Africa
6. Adaptation of positive prevention interventions for international settings
C-Change adapted its Community Conversation Toolkit for HIV Prevention <<http://c-changeproject.org/c/sjrc1>http://c-changeproject.org/c/sjrc1>, developed in English in South Africa, to six other countries and cultural contexts. The recently released Swaziland <<http://c-changeproject.org/c/8wuk1>http://c-changeproject.org/c/8wuk1> adaptation is in the Siswati language. It uses culturally relevant artwork and local proverbs and includes components on male circumcision and condom use. All adapted versions are available on C-Hub <<http://c-changeproject.org/c/n21z5>http://c-changeproject.org/c/n21z5>; for Malawi in Chichewa; for Zambia in Kikaonde; for Zimbabwe in Ndebele; for Namibia in Lozi; for Lesotho in Sesotho; and for South Africa in Sotho and Zulu.
C-Change launched the facilitated online C-Modules course <<http://c-changeproject.org/c/ynuuo>http://c-changeproject.org/c/ynuuo>
in October 2011 in partnership with Ohio University. Twenty professionals from 11 countries in Africa and Latin America are developing and strengthening their competencies in planning, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating SBCC activities and programs. Based on the face-to-face training developed by C-Change, this course is facilitated, interactive, and tailored to individual professional interests. Information about the facilitated version and the no-cost, self-paced version is available here <<http://c-changeproject.org/c/wwi3z>http://c-changeproject.org/c/wwi3z>\.