[afro-nets] C-Channel 34 from C-Change - Using Edutainment

Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)
ISSUE 34 September 2011

C-Channel 34 <http://c-changeproject.org/c/qtmd0&gt; presents nine recent articles in peer-reviewed journals that may be of interest to readers looking forward to the 5th International Entertainment Education Conference in New Delhi, India, in November. A featured speaker is Arvind Singhal, an author of the first article on entertainment education (EE) and social change. Articles 2 and 3 concern EE projects in India; articles 4 and 5 focus on EE projects in Nigeria; article 6 is on music in AIDS education in Tanzania; and articles 7, 8, and 9 concern EE projects in South Africa, including a narrative-based curriculum for youth on HIV and alcohol abuse prevention and theatre- and performance-based projects to improve sexual health.

Abstracts from issue 34 are available at <http://c-changeproject.org/c/qtmd0&gt;
Back issues of C-Channel can be accessed at: <http://c-changeproject.org/c/svuf5&gt;

1. How EE programs promote dialogue in support of social change
2. Interpersonal discussion and self-efficacy, based on data from an EE program in India¬
3. Outcomes for ART patients in Tamil Nadu exposed to a radio and theatre program
4. Effect of EE strategies on women in Lagos State¬
5. Persuasive and dramatic techniques used by a radio soap opera in Nigeria¬
6. Music in AIDS communication in Tanzania
7. Use of drama to engage youth in South Africa
8. Creation of a narrative-based HIV prevention curriculum for youth in South Africa
9. Three theatre and performance-based approaches to sexual health communication in South Africa¬

C-Change has provided technical support for radio and TV programs produced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo <http://c-changeproject.org/c/n9hn5&gt; by the Search for Common Ground, including training local staff with the C-Modules <http://c-changeproject.org/c/u1uek&gt;\. Audio and video clips and descriptive information on these radio and TV programs are available on C-Hub <http://c-changeproject.org/c/x183p&gt;, resource items 7966, 7967, 7968, and 7969.


Two tools <http://c-changeproject.org/c/fl590&gt; that support a participatory quality improvement (QI) process for SBCC programs have been posted on C-Hub <http://c-changeproject.org/c/x183p&gt;\. C-Change Namibia developed these tools, one for SBCC programs in HIV prevention and the other for SBCC programs in any health area. C-Change Namibia's comprehensive, tailored approach to capacity strengthening in SBCC was recently highlighted by an AIDSTAR-One case study <http://c-changeproject.org/c/erz5w&gt;

For more information about C-Change, click <http://c-changeproject.org/c/qktnz&gt;\.