Book announcement
"Elementary Economic Evaluation in Health Care"
By Tom Jefferson, Vittorio Demicheli and Miranda Mugford
With the contentious issues of purchasing and providing dominating the
organisation of health services, economic evaluation has come of age in
medicine. Now doctors, nurses, managers - all charged with the=20
responsibility of delivering optimum care in the most efficient way - must
have an understanding of economic evaluation and be able to practice it.
This book provides a basic introduction to the subject. Written in layman=92=
language and with case histories to illustrate the different methods it=20
succeeds in explaining both the principles and how to use them.
Chapters include:
* The basis of economic evaluation
* Cost of illness studies
* Cost minimisation analysis
* Cost effectiveness analysis
* Cost utility analysis
* Cost benefit analysis
* Current issues (including BMJ peer review guidelines and secondary
With additional helpful checklists, flow diagrams, and appendices on cost
methodology, forms of economic appraisal, and health care decision analysis,
this is a truly comprehensive guide to getting started in economic=20
evaluation for health care workers.
ISBN 0-7279-1074-4
136 pages - October 1996
UK: =A314.95
OVERSEAS: =A317.00=20
(British Medical Association Members =A313.95 / =A316.00)
Enquiries to:
BMJ Publishing Group
PO Box 295, London WC1H 9TE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-171-383-6185/6245
Fax: +44-171-383-6662
Tom Jefferson
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