Bush Africa budgets
Dear colleagues and friends of Africa,
Over the next few days senior White House and State Department offi-
cials are fine tuning the Bush Administrations foreign assistance
budget proposals for the next fiscal year. The "friends of Africa" in
the Congress and the NGO/PVO Africa advocacy community are making an
11th hour appeal to the Bush Administration to protect poverty-
focused development assistance accounts for Africa from being "Af-
ghanisized". We are joined in this effort by the lead congressional
sponsors of the "Africa: Hunger to Harvest Resolution." The following
letter was sent to President Bush today.
PS: If you have been waiting for the 11th hour before making your
telephone call or sending your letter to weigh-in on this process,
this is it.
PSS: Happy New Year!
Ray Almeida
January 4, 2002
The Honorable George W. Bush
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Bush,
Both houses of Congress have now passed our "Hunger to Harvest: Dec-
ade of Support for Sub-Saharan Africa Resolution" (H. Con. Res. 102
and S. Con Res. 53). It asks you to develop five and ten year strate-
gies to reduce hunger and poverty in Africa, and says that Congress
should provide the necessary resources to implement these strategies.
You and your administration have already demonstrated your concern
about Africa. The Hunger to Harvest Resolution assures you of Con-
gress's support for your work with African and G-7 leaders on the New
Partnership for Africa's Development. We look forward to hearing from
your advisors as they work on your strategies to reduce hunger and
poverty in Africa.
We also want to emphasize the relevance of the Hunger to Harvest
Resolution to the decision you will be making soon about assistance
for Africa in your budget for FY 2003. Specifically, we urge you to
increase funding for USAID's Development Assistance and Child Sur-
vival and Health Programs accounts and for other programs that chan-
nel effective, poverty-focused development assistance to Africa.
Sincerely yours,
Senator Chuck Hagel Senator Patrick Leahy
Representative Jim Leach Representative Don Payne
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