[afro-nets] Call for Applications: AMANET Workshop on Data Management for Malaria Vaccine Trials

Call for Applications: AMANET Workshop on Data Management for Malaria Vaccine Trials

17 � 22 July 2006-06-15
MRTC, University of Bamako, Mali


Deadline for applications: 27 June 2006

The participation of African institutions in clinical trials has traditionally been restricted to participant recruitment, protocol procedures, through to data collection. The protocol development, data base design, data processing and analysis is typically done by the northern collaborators. This trend need not continue as African institutions participate more and more in GCP level trials.

Since inception, the African Malaria Network Trust (AMANET) has been promoting the development of sustainable capacity across African research institutions participating in R&D. Development of the data management capacity is one area of serious weakness that requires to be strengthened so that the clinical testing environment at African institutions is complete. Last year, a successful clinical data management workshop was conducted in collaboration with the Malaria Research and Training Centre (MRTC), Bamako, Mali. This is a call for a follow-on advanced and practical course targeting data managers from centers that are participating in (or soon will), malaria vaccine trials.

The goals of the workshop include:
-To further equip African Data Managers so that they are able to handle the entire clinical trial data processing, respecting international standards of good clinical and data management practices;
-Foster networking and collaboration among African Clinical Data Managers;
-Create south to south support systems and technology transfer.

The workshop will be hosted and taught by the MRTC, University of Bamako Mali.

The workshop is intended to take five full days scheduled for 17-22 July 2006.

African Data Managers currently working in centers undertaking or planning to undertake malaria vaccine trials. Candidates who attended the basic course last year and those from centers being developed by AMANET will be given preference.

Interested persons should submit a complete application, which must include the following:
-Curriculum vitae;
-Show how this workshop would benefit you and your institution (not more than 10 lines);
-Names and addresses of two referees (including their telephone numbers and email contacts), who you have requested to provide letters of recommendation, to be sent directly to the address below.

Please note that only applications meeting the above requirements will be considered.

Selected applicants will be awarded an AMANET sponsorship, which covers economy class airfare, tuition, accommodation and meals. Visa and transit costs are not included.


Submit your application (preferably by email) to the following address:
The Managing Trustee,
African Malaria Network Trust,
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology Building,
P.O. Box 33207,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
E-mail: applications@amanet-trust.org or info@amanet-trust.org
Website: http://www.amanet-trust.org
Tel: +255 22 2700018,
Fax: +255 22 2700380

All the Best


Charles L Wanga
Communications Officer
African Malaria Network Trust [AMANET]