International Health Law Network - Call for Research Submissions
Dear Colleagues,
The International Network for Health Law provides financial sup-
port for research activities that bring together researchers
from academic structures and organizations both in the North and
the South. One of the Network's primary objectives is to promote
research and academic activities in French that combine the tal-
ents available within universities and institutions worldwide.
Providing financial assistance to practical and action-oriented
activities in the area of international health, particularly
those containing a strong research component, is a specific
characteristic of this young academic network.
The Health Law Network fits into the framework of Agence univer-
sitaire de la Francophonie. Motivated by the "Spirit of coopera-
tion", the Network seeks to serve the promotion of research in
International Health Law in the South. In order to be accepted,
projects submitted must satisfy the criteria of high academic
standards, practical application and financial viability. Each
project must be undertaken in partnership with an academic
structure in the South. Support may be requested for research
projects (and post-graduate studies or training programmes with
a strong research component) that adhere to the following crite-
1) Be international in nature and fall within the purview of at
least one, or more, of the following thematic areas: Right to
health; Biomedical research; Globalisation and international
trade in health; Culture and health; Health as part of sustain-
able development.
2) Results of the research shall be published in French. The
deadline for submission of project proposals is the 1st October
Grants provided are up to 10,000 Euros per year. For further in-
formation, please consult the Website:
(French only) or
Thank you for your attention.
High regards,
The Network
Melanie Samson