[afro-nets] Called to Care book 7: 'Call to Me'

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the publication of 'Call to Me: how the Bible speaks in the age of AIDS'. This 76-page handbook is no. 7 in the Called to Care toolkit, which is designed for use by churches, faith-based organisations, NGOs and community groups, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. It will be officially launched at a ceremony in Chipata, eastern Zambia, on Saturday, March 13.

'Call to Me' consists of 20 Bible studies on topics related to HIV and AIDS, e.g. sex and sexuality; healing; death, grief and mourning; stigma, discrimination and denial; church leadership; marriage; fear and anxiety; and children. It is written in simple, clear language, and contains 22 drawings by Zimbabwean artist, Mashet Ndhlovu.

The authors of 'Call to Me' are 12 church leaders in four African countries: Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. In South Africa, two groups of people living with living with HIV helped to develop three of the Bible studies. The authors come from a wide ecumenical background, consisting of Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal and Reformed churches.

'Called to Me' is action-oriented. It is designed to enable churches and community groups to deal with difficult, sensitive issues related to the AIDS epidemic, and to decide on ways of dealing with these. Each Bible study consists of seven clearly defined steps, leading to a session in which the participants suggest and discuss ways in which particular issues and problems can be addressed. The book concludes with an appendix of basic facts about HIV and AIDS, written in simple, non-technical language.
Copies of 'Call to Me' can be ordered from Teaching-aids at Low Cost (TALC): www.talcuk.org; info@talcuk.org. Faith communities and community-based organisations in sub-Saharan Africa may request free copies. The document can also be downloaded on the Strategies for Hope website (www.stratshope.org).

Glen Williams
Series Editor
Strategies for Hope Trust


We are getting there (the HIV- related Stigma and Discrimination, HRSD, free world). As long as we have the church fully involved, hopes of effective HIV prevention go high. My argument is cast within the stereotypes attached to the epidemic, that is, HIV is a result of Sin and more others...

Ever since its outbreak, many people have been stigmatized due to HIV on religious grounds. We tend to look at an HIV positive person to have acquired the disease *ONLY* through immoral behaviours. This is absolutely * WRONG*, one can contract the disease after the church wedding. In such case, whom do we blame or who is supposed to be "stigmatised", any way do we know the partner that was initially positive??? I hope such forms of publications will be answering such dilemmas!!!

As brothers and Sisters in front of God, we can end HRSD. THANK YOU.

Fighting HRSD at the workplace in Uganda