[afro-nets] 'Called to Care' toolkit: French editions of handbooks 1 and 2

'Called to Care' toolkit: French editions of handbooks 1 and 2 available

- published by the Strategies for Hope Trust

The Strategies for Hope Trust (www.stratshope.org) is pleased to announce the publication of 'PAROLES POSITIVES' and 'AGISSONS !'. These are the French editions of 'Positive Voices' and 'Making it Happen', nos. 1 and 2 in the toolkit 'SE DEVOUER AUX AUTRES' (English: 'Called to Care'), designed for use by churches and community groups, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.

No. 1: 'PAROLES POSITIVES' (44 pages, A4 size): Consists of personal testimonies by 14 African religious leaders (12 Christians, two Muslims) who are living with or personally affected by HIV. By talking openly about their own HIV-positive status - or about how HIV has affected their family members - they aim to help other people living or with or affected HIV overcome the fear of stigmatisation and rejection.

No. 2: 'AGISSONS !' (48 pages, A4 size): A mini-manual to help church leaders establish and manage an HIV project. Includes sections on planning, decision-making, writing a project proposal, preparing a budget, accounting for funds, and monitoring and evaluation. Concludes with guidelines for conducting a training workshop. Can be adapted for use by other religious leaders and community groups.

Both these materials - and other books, videos and training manuals - can be viewed on the French language pages of the Strategies for Hope website (www.stratshope.org).

All Strategies for Hope materials may be ordered from:

TALC, P.O. Box 49,
St Albans AL1 5TX, U.K.
Email: mailto:info@talcuk.org.
Tel.: +44 (0)1727 853869.
Website: http://www.talcuk.org.

Organisations based in sub-Saharan Africa that cannot afford to purchase these materials may request free copies from the Strategies for Hope Trust. Please contact:
The Series Editor,
Strategies for Hope,
93 Divinity Road,
Oxford OX4 1LN, U.K.
Tel.: +44 1865 723078.
Fax: +44 1865 436069.