AFRO-NETS> Challenges To Scaling Up Antiretroviral Treatment In Africa

Challenges To Scaling Up Antiretroviral Treatment In Africa

Dear AFRO-NETS members,

The first pre-conference discussion leading to the upcoming Nairobi
ICASA (September 21-26) started on the AF-AIDS forum two weeks ago.

The current discussion is "Challenges to scaling up antiretroviral
treatment in Africa".

As this years ICASA theme is "Access to Care: Challenges", this dis-
cussion is of particular importance. AFRO-NETS members are cordially
invited to participate and contribute with experiences from Africa
AND other countries in the South (Brazil, Thailand, Senegal, Nigeria,
Haiti, Cuba - to mention just a few).

The discussion should be as comprehensive as possible. It should in-
clude trade aspects, TRIPS, the role of the Global Fund, importing
and manufacturing generics, importing discounted patent drugs, li-
censing, OI treatment and prevention, the role of testing/VCT, the
role of governments, the health and the private sector etc.

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Thank you very much indeed!

David H.-U. Haerry
Conferences Manager
Health & Development Networks
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