Comments to AFRO-NETS messages
Comment to PlusNews Photo Gallery and Truck Spreads AIDS Prevention
Messages along Mali's Main Roads
Thanks for the fantastic issue of AFRO-NETS I received today. I would
like to elaborate and ask the Afro-netters about something in connec-
tion with Peter Burgess's concern on PlusNews photo gallery (2) about
our message reaching only people who already have the message and not
the ignorant ones combined with Karrie Carnes's delightful story
about the truck of Population Services International Mali Programme
spreading the message about sexual health.
My question is: is there anywhere (for example in Africa) any pro-
jects which ask the truck owners to give their trucks to be decorated
with signs, logos and slogans promoting safe sexual behaviour? If we
could get "normal" trucks decorated, we would be able to reach almost
everybody who gets in contact with Coca Cola and this is almost eve-
rybody on this globe. I would think that this kind of decoration
could be done by artists who are devoted to the HIV/AIDS problem or
by some NGOs or groups of talented students under instructions of lo-
cal artists. Of course it would be even better if the truck drivers
would be trained as HIV educators and equipped with IEC-material to
give out.
Is this happening somewhere? How could we get it done?
Maija Palander
Medical Doctor, Project Manager
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264-61-257-231
Fax: +264-61-257-216
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