Consultancy for Managing Namibia's Global Fund Programme
The Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services is the Prin-
cipal Recipient (PR) for Namibia's programme with the Global
Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The grant includes
funds for all three diseases and will be implemented through 31
sub-projects and 27 sub-recipients, including civil society,
public sector, and private sector organisations.
To successfully implement the approved grant over the first 2
year phase, the PR will recruit the services of a consultant or
consultant consortium for:
- Overall Programme Management and Coordination
- Financial Management
- Operations Management
- Procurement and Supply Management, and
- Monitoring and Evaluation.
Specifically, the consultant is to provide the following:
Programme Director
Programme Operations Manager
Finance and Procurement Manager
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Procurement and Supplies Officer
Detailed Tender documents and Terms of Reference can be obtained
through the Office of the Under Secretary, Dr Norbert Forster,
Ministry of Health and Social Services;
Tel: +264-61-203 2034
Tender Closure is 12h00 Namibian time on Friday 17 December
Dr. Norbert P. Forster
MBChB (Pret.), MSc (Econ)(Lond.)
Under Secretary
Department Health and Social Welfare Policy
Ministry of Health and Social Services
Private Bag 13198
Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264-61-203-2032
Fax: +264-61-225-690