[afro-nets] Experts for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is re-
cruiting experts to serve on the Technical Review Panel (TRP)

The Global Fund was created to finance, attract, manage and dis-
burse additional resources to make a sustainable and significant
contribution to mitigate the impact caused by HIV/AIDS, tubercu-
losis and malaria in countries in need, and contributing to pov-
erty reduction. The TRP, which has 26 members, plays a crucial
role in reviewing proposals submitted to the Global Fund and en-
suring that those funded are of high quality.

Individuals with expert technical knowledge and extensive ex-
perience in one of the following are sought:
* Tuberculosis
* Malaria
* Cross cutting issues (such as institutional and governance
issues, macro-economics in a health sector context)

The current term of appointment is four rounds of proposals. TRP
members must be available for the two week TRP meetings in Ge-
neva every 12 months. In addition TRP members need to be acces-
sible by email for up to 6 months for the clarification process
for the proposals approved by the Board. Fluency in English is
required as this is the working language of the TRP.

A transparent criteria-based selection process will be followed
which seeks to achieve a significant proportion of members from
each of the WHO regions, representation from public and private
sectors and civil society, including a qualified member from the
Persons Living with AIDS, Tuberculosis and/or Malaria community.
A balanced gender representation is sought.

Applicants with strong experience from private sector are
strongly encouraged. The private sector experience need not be
limited to the pharmaceutical industry: experience in managing
private health systems or health care in the developing world
would be very useful.

Individuals with expertise in HIV/AIDS and/or cross cutting is-
sues, who also have specific nutritional expertise are also en-
couraged to apply.

Moreover, shortlisted candidates will be used as the source for
new TRP members for the next two rounds

For more details and to download an Application Form, please
visit the Global Fund website: http://www.theglobalfund.org or
download the Form from HLSP's website:

Completed application forms should be sent to:
mailto:globalfund.trp@hlsp.org to arrive no later than Friday
3rd March 2006. Applicants without Internet access should con-
tact the local WHO or UNAIDS office for assistance.

Many thanks,

Sarah Cannon
Global Fund Technical Review Panel
5-23 Old Street
London EC1V 9HL, UK
Tel: +44-20-7251-9555
Fax: +44-20-7251-9552