[afro-nets] Development of a Core Competency Model for the Master of Public Health Degree

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Development of a Core Competency Model for the Master of Public Health Degree

Judith G. Calhoun, Kalpana Ramiah, Elizabeth McGean Weist, and Stephen M. Shortell

At the time of the study, Judith G. Calhoun was with the Department of Health Management and Policy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Kalpana Ramiah and Elizabeth McGean Weist were with the Association of Schools of Public Health, Washington, DC. Stephen M. Shortell was with the School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley.
*September 2008, Vol 98, No. 9 - American Journal of Public Health *

Website:* *http://www.ajph.org/cgi/content/full/98/9/1598* *

"……Core competencies have been used to redefine curricula across the major health professions in recent decades. In 2006, the Association of Schools of Public Health identified core competencies for the master of public health degree in graduate schools and programs of public health. We provide an overview of the model development process and a listing of 12 core domains and 119 competencies that can serve as a resource for faculty and students for enhancing the quality and accountability of graduate public health education and training. The primary vision for the initiative is the graduation of professionals who are more fully prepared for the many challenges and opportunities in public health in the forthcoming decade. …."

"…..The competencies are intended to serve as a resource and guide for those interested in improving the quality and accountability of public health education and training. They were developed with respect for the uniqueness and diversity of the schools of public health. Therefore, the model may be of assistance to schools of public health in identifying specific subcompetencies and specialty competencies that apply to individual schools and unique program missions. The competencies are not meant to prescribe the methods or processes for achievement; implementation of the competencies may vary as a function of each school's mission and goals…"

Master's Degree in Public Health Core Competency Development Project Report, version 2.3, October 2004–August 2006.
Association of Schools of Public Health, August 11, 2006. Available at:
http://www.asph.org/userfiles/Version2.3.pdf (PDF file).

Competencies Considered for the ASPH Graduate Education Competency Model.
Association of Schools of Public Health. Available at:

Mrs. Ana Lucia Ruggiero (WDC)