AFRO-NETS> Directory of Associations of People Living with HIV/AIDS

Directory of Associations of People Living with HIV/AIDS
Contribute to the new edition

Dear Colleagues:

USAID, the Global Network of People with HIV/AIDS, and the Inter-
national Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS are pleased to
collaborate with The Synergy Project to produce an updated edi-
tion of the Directory of Associations of People Living with
HIV/AIDS, which was first published in July 2002. We hope the di-
rectory will prove useful to all partners and to the donor commu-
nity, and that it will facilitate advocacy and networking among

To make sure your association is represented in this important
resource, please take a few minutes to complete the easy-to-use
online form located at

Please coordinate with your colleagues to avoid submission of du-
plicate entries, as this notice has been sent to all e-mail ad-
dresses found in the first edition, and it is being disseminated
through other venues. The deadline for submission of data is De-
cember 1, 2003.

For more information on resources, networking, and advocacy for
people living with HIV/AIDS, please contact the Global Network of
People living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) at, and
the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW)

For more information on USAID's role in the fight against
HIV/AIDS, visit

For a wide range of other HIV/AIDS-related resources, we invite
you to visit

Thank you for contributing to this important effort.

Best regards,

Clare Hayden
Communications Associate, The Synergy Project
TvT Global Health and Development Strategies
A division of Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
1101 Vermont Ave, NW Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: +1-202-842-2939 ext. 104
Fax: +1-202-842-7646

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in the body of the message type: subscribe afro-nets OR unsubscribe afro-nets
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Information and archives:

Directory of Associations of People Living with HIV/AIDS (2)

Dear Janet Feldman,

On Behalf of Save The Aids Orphans Uganda (STAO) and on my own
behalf, I am writing to introduce to you Save The Aids Orphans
Uganda. STAO started its activities in 1997 with the aim of ad-
dressing the plight of orphans and widows affected by the AIDS
scourge. To date STAO-Uganda is a duly registered community
based organisation whose mission and mandate is to uphold the
sanctity of human life by endeavouring to meet their physical
spiritual and emotional needs to the orphaned children facing
welfare problems.

STAO-Uganda has its permanent offices located in Jinja district.
Like most parts of Uganda, this area has been hit hard by the
AIDS scourge resulting in enormous number of orphans and help-
less widows. STAO-Uganda is therefore striving to contribute to-
wards orphans education, rural HIV/AIDS awareness ,widows empow-
erment and general community training (skills) using participa-
tory appraisal methods. This involves the provision of community
based management skills and enhancement of women's ability to
run income generating projects. STAO-Uganda works in close col-
laboration with community leaders and other community based Or-
ganisations and NGO's.

In order to achieve these objectives STAO-Uganda has adopted an
integrated approach to the problem. Specifically STAO-Uganda un-
dertakes the following programs:
* Orphan's education
* Widow's empowerment
* General community training
* Rural HIV/AIDS awareness
* Mobile clinic and evangelism.

I am interested in knowing more about you and if you can come in
and visit us. Please visit us at

We shall be grateful to answer any question of your interest and
working with you.

Yours in Service,
Pastor Nelson Lufafa and Staff