Directory of Associations of People Living with HIV/AIDS
Contribute to the new edition
Dear Colleagues:
USAID, the Global Network of People with HIV/AIDS, and the Inter-
national Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS are pleased to
collaborate with The Synergy Project to produce an updated edi-
tion of the Directory of Associations of People Living with
HIV/AIDS, which was first published in July 2002. We hope the di-
rectory will prove useful to all partners and to the donor commu-
nity, and that it will facilitate advocacy and networking among
To make sure your association is represented in this important
resource, please take a few minutes to complete the easy-to-use
online form located at
Please coordinate with your colleagues to avoid submission of du-
plicate entries, as this notice has been sent to all e-mail ad-
dresses found in the first edition, and it is being disseminated
through other venues. The deadline for submission of data is De-
cember 1, 2003.
For more information on resources, networking, and advocacy for
people living with HIV/AIDS, please contact the Global Network of
People living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) at, and
the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW)
For more information on USAID's role in the fight against
HIV/AIDS, visit
For a wide range of other HIV/AIDS-related resources, we invite
you to visit
Thank you for contributing to this important effort.
Best regards,
Clare Hayden
Communications Associate, The Synergy Project
TvT Global Health and Development Strategies
A division of Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
1101 Vermont Ave, NW Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: +1-202-842-2939 ext. 104
Fax: +1-202-842-7646
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