I have found that, currently the major vector control tools are IRS and ITNs/LLINs every were. As the result, vector have changed feeding behavior due to wide coverage of these interventions. But understanding better, how that can be overcome ecological studies are worth to answer the question;
Two articles published In Parasites and Vectors Journal have given an insight;
First article by researchers in Sudan and Tanzania have shown that, understanding the Ecological changes which are driver to vector distribution can reduce transmission and best suggest control season (http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/4/1/109).
Secondly, In western Kenya , the area with wide coverage of ITN/LLINs and regarded as prone of malaria epidemics scientists have shown that, ecological studies of estimating habitats productivity works better in understanding disease vector distribution by seasonality and species occurrence than could do, light traps and pyrethrum catch method. The main factors discussed were the high coverage of ITN which discourages mosquitoes to feed indoors hence lower vectors indoor and Presence of alternative hosts (changes of feeding behavior as survival strategy). The article is http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/4/1/110. In this study they found Aerial sampler to be better tool in estimating habitats productivity and worthwhile to be tested elsewhere in different ecological setting.
Its such impressive stories.
Mchawi Mlozi
Vector Control Department
Malaria control programme