AFRO-NETS> Electronic Journal for IS in Developing Countries

Electronic Journal for IS in Developing Countries

The 'Electronic Journal for Information Systems In Developing
Countries' (EJISDC) strives to become the foremost international
forum for practitioners, teachers, researchers and policy mak-
ers to share their knowledge and experience in the design,
development, implementation, management and evaluation of
information systems and technologies in developing countries.

EJISDC targets the digital divide. Our aim is to situate con-
temporary trends in ICTs within a fully global context that
moves away from the currently skewed perspective of developed

EJISDC intends to reach its audience in a manner, which is con-
sistent with its mission. It will be published electronically.
There will be no subscription fees. Research contributions are
now sought, and they will be reviewed and refereed by renowned
scholars, but EJISDC is not a journal for academics merely to
showcase their research skills to each other. The editors will
seek contributions from practitioners, managers, policy makers
and writers with a story to tell.

Topics of interest are as wide and diverse as the audience that
we address. However, certain issues relating to ICTs in devel-
oping countries sit at the forefront of system planning and de-
velopment activities and contributions relating to these are
especially sought as it believed that they will have an immedi-
ate interest among a wide audience. Such topics include:
- Internet Usage
- National Policies for IT
- Applications of IT in Rural Areas
- IT in Development Practice
- Research Practice in IT in Development
- Education in IT
- Cultural Aspects of IT in Developing Countries

EJISDC is edited by:
Roger Harris
University Malaysia Sarawak

Associate Editors:
Robert Davison
City University of Hong Kong

Sajda Qureshi
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Doug Vogel
City University of Hong Kong

Gert-Jan de Vreede
Delft University of Technology

Visit the journal's website for further information:

To submit a manuscript please e-mail any of the editors.

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