[afro-nets] Food for a thought to be respected

Food for a thought to be respected

Human Rights Reader 124


1. Every person, anywhere in the world -- irrespective of citi-
zenship or territorial legislation -- has rights which others
should respect. (A. Sen).

Further, human rights (HR) are blind to nationalities and are
internationally mandated. Ultimately, HR are value-driven prin-
ciples that ought to --but do not have to-- become normative and
legislative instruments. Likewise, the many legal arguments
wielded against HR are theoretically unfounded and, for all
practical purposes, cynical. Here, one also has to bear in mind
that the fact that something is regarded as a right does not al-
ways mean that it should be tax-financed, e.g., the access to
adequate nutrition is a right, yet nobody argues that it is
wrong to charge for food. (G. Kent)

2. But despite of the above, what reality has taught us is that,
even if poor people are informed about their rights, they often
have little means to have them enforced. This, because the over-
whelming forces of Capitalism deny people, not only a whole
range of their rights, but also their dignity.

3. Under current-day Capitalism, the prevailing social contracts
still result in HR violations; they are the result of a histori-
cally unfair bargaining situation in which poor persons --whose
rights are not respected-- do not have (and never had) a chance
to negotiate the fate of their situation as equals. and if they
did, Capitalism has made sure the explicit or implicit clauses
of such contracts lose legal force. In too many countries, the
political system simply works with the lowest possible common
denominator of social responsibility and social consciousness;
in these countries, the limited knowledge of leaders of the true
social reality continues to breed distorted subjective presuppo-

For example, bourgeois and religious allegories have become part
of the fabric of this social-reality-as-seen-from-above --and
living in that made-up reality makes millions of people pretend-
they-are-getting-better-off (or going to heaven.). This is the
true, authentic portrait of a myth. The truth is very different
though. Rural districts, the world over, share a common thread
of poverty, weak formal institutions, weak civil society, and
sometimes of violence; none of them possesses a middle-class of
any significance.

4. Many of the so-called pro-poor-policies promoted by Capital-
ism are actually not based on ignorance, but are deliberately
blind to the true realities and HR violations faced by poor per-
sons, especially rural. No wonder, then, that equity continues
to be the big absentee in most anti-poverty strategies. Govern-
ments and their partners are simply not amenable to come up with
pro-poor policies that have any chance of redistributing wealth
and power and of ending HR violations. But this is not the full
story: Pro-poor-economic-growth alone --even if happening-- is
not enough to effectively help the chronically poverty-stricken.

5. Counterintuitive as it may seem, the urge to eradicate pov-
erty is not as prevalent in developing countries as one might
expect it to be and as it actually should be. The affluent and
rich there --the winners in nature's and history's lottery-- do
not, in general, feel responsible for the misery of the rest of
their fellow citizens. and they are the ones that pull the
strings of the majority of governments.

6. If the prevailing political system does not give an advantage
to a significant part of the majority-groups of society, so-
called 'democracy' is unlikely to work --especially not to
eradicate poverty. There is no other way: democratization will
always mean that the ruling elites lose power as majority actors
gain influence; herein lies the fear of the 'haves' that democ-
ratization will have a destabilizing effect. In that sense, the
Gramscian view of civil society as the site of the struggle to
transform social, economic and political life is right on the

7. The lessons for HR activists to learn here are two: a) beware
of democracy-in-form that is not really democracy-in-fact, and
b) it must be ensured that more vocal interest groups are not
allowed to 'represent-the-poor' in the democratic discourse; or-
ganized poor persons groups have to represent themselves.

Claudio Schuftan
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Mostly adapted from Review of Radical Political Economics 37:2 ,
Spring 2005, D+C 32:6, June 2005, F&D, 42:1, March 2005, D+C
32:8/9, Aug/Sep 2005, and Dev Pol Rev 23:5, Sept 2005, F&D,
42:2. June 2005.

Food for a thought to be respected (2)

Dear Claudio,

Thanks for the post. I am reproducing a post I had made earlier
on Corruption and Democracy. This may be relevant in the context
of what is stated here:

Corruption has only been on the increase in geometric propor-
tions. The awareness to minimise / eliminate corruption has been
on the increase right from President, Prime Minister, Governors,
Judges, Vigilance Commissioners, Parliamentarians, etc.

But hardly anything tangible is being done to strike at the root
cause of corruption. Instead, whatever we are trying to do is
cosmetic only. We all have a penchant desire for shortcuts and
get-rich-quick techniques. When our basic needs are met, greed
takes over and we want to accumulate more and more assets. We
are ready to tolerate any level of corruption, as a way of
life!! Funny indeed!!

The one and only way corruption can be minimized is by banning
currency circulation, and making all transactions of all indi-
viduals and organizations, transparent through genuine bank
transfers using bio-metric linked debit cards. By this anyone
can see transparently all the dealings of all individuals, busi-
ness, political parties, etc. and any wrong can be quickly seen
by the public and reversed.

This is the only way, corruption can be minimized / eliminated
in a democracy. Lest the present form of democracy, which is ac-
tually hypocrisy, would continue to play havoc with the common
man and woman and widen the divide between the powerful and the
powerless, between the haves and the have-nots.

Kris Dev
Intnl. Transparency & Accountability Network
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.: +91-44-5211-5995

Food for a thought to be respected (3)

A few thoughts...

> Food for a thought to be respected (2)
> --------------------------------------
> Dear Claudio,
> Thanks for the post. I am reproducing a post I had made earlier
> on Corruption and Democracy. This may be relevant in the context
> of what is stated here:
> Corruption has only been on the increase in geometric propor-
> tions.

(gk) What evidence is there for this?

> The awareness to minimise / eliminate corruption has been
> on the increase right from President, Prime Minister, Governors,
> Judges, Vigilance Commissioners, Parliamentarians, etc.
> But hardly anything tangible is being done to strike at the root
> cause of corruption. Instead, whatever we are trying to do is
> cosmetic only. We all have a penchant desire for shortcuts and
> get-rich-quick techniques. When our basic needs are met, greed
> takes over and we want to accumulate more and more assets. We
> are ready to tolerate any level of corruption, as a way of
> life!! Funny indeed!!

(gk) The anti-corruption work done by Transparency Interna-
tional, Tiri, your own organization and others like it is very
good and, I think, deserves acknowledgment and respect. This is
one of those areas in which it is nongovernmental organizations
that will have to take the lead.

> The one and only way corruption can be minimized is by banning
> currency circulation, and making all transactions of all indi-
> viduals and organizations, transparent through genuine bank
> transfers using bio-metric linked debit cards. By this anyone
> can see transparently all the dealings of all individuals, busi-
> ness, political parties, etc. and any wrong can be quickly seen
> by the public and reversed.

(gk) I never trust people who say their favorite way of dealing
with an issue is the ONLY way to deal with it. Making such ex-
travagant claims immediately undermines one's credibility, so it
is not wise to make such claims. However, I am fully in favor of
pressing for more transparency in all sorts of transactions.

Aloha, George

Professor George Kent
Department of Political Science
University of Hawai'i
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822, USA
Tel: +1-808-396-9422
Fax: +1-808-956-6877
Skype ID: geokent

New book: Freedom from Want: The Human Right to Adequate Food

Food for a thought to be respected (4)

Thanks Aloha, for your thoughtful response.

Corruption has been on the increase in many countries of Asia,
Africa and Americas.

We can all put our heads together and come out with concrete
ideas to minimize it.

I am sure, there are many ways, including awareness, education,

Please suggest your ideas.

Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year.

Kris Dev