AFRO-NETS> Future GetWeb Use

Future GetWeb Use

Attention All GetWeb Users:

This message describes an important change to SatelLife's GetWeb serv-
ice. Please read it carefully.

GetWeb was developed by SatelLife, a non-profit organization based in
Boston, Massachusetts, USA. SatelLife's mission is to provide informa-
tion and communications services to health professionals in developing
countries. Because direct Internet access is both limited and costly
in developing countries, GetWeb was designed so that WWW pages can be
retrieved via email, thereby saving time and money.

Over the past year, the demand for GetWeb has increased 5,000 percent.
SatelLife currently receives nearly 3,000 GETWEB REQUESTS PER DAY,
mostly from the U.S., Canada, and Europe. We are delighted that this
is a useful service, but the substantial demand has taxed our computer
system to the point that we need to institute a cost recovery program
in order to keep the system operating.


If you are a health, medical, social service, development, or informa-
tion professional anywhere in the world, you can continue to enjoy free
access to GetWeb. However, to help us manage the system and its use, we
require that you register in the SatelLife HealthNet Database of Health
Professionals. The registration form is included below. Please complete
the form as instructed and return it by email by JUNE 15 to ensure your
continued access to GetWeb for the year beginning July 1.

If you are NOT a health professional as defined above, we ask that you
become a "SatelLife Supporter" by making an annual contribution to Sat-
elLife in the amount of US $75. With this contribution, you will not
only continue to enjoy the use of GetWeb, but you will help us continue
to make this service available free to health professionals in develop-
ing countries who would otherwise have no affordable access to the Web.
If you wish to continue using GetWeb for the year beginning July 1,
please mail your personal check or money order (US funds ONLY; no cash,
please) for US $75 to:

1360 Soldiers Field Road
Boston, MA 02135, USA

Your donation must be received by JUNE 15 to continue uninterrupted use
of GetWeb as of July 1. Please be sure to include your full name,
postal address, email address, and telephone number with your contribu-

SatelLife is registered with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution to SatelLife is
Tax Deductible.

With your donation, you will be playing a key role in facilitating ac-
cess to important health information in areas of the world where it is
most needed and least available. We thank you in advance for becoming a
SatelLife Supporter.

If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to:


The SatelLife HealthNet Database of Health Professionals serves as an
information resource for people who are interested in health in the
developing world. You can add your profile to the database by complet-
ing the registration form below. Health professionals registered in the
database will be able to:

** access the information services offered by SatelLife including our
   global electronic discussion groups, on-line publications, and other
   off-line tools to retrieve text from the World Wide Web;
** act as a resource contact by choosing to make your profile, includ-
   ing your name, profession, occupational speciality and email ad-
   dress, available so that others can contact you as a resource per-
   son. If you wish to remain invisible you can do so;
** receive periodic updates on health issues in the developing world.

Privacy of information

SatelLife values the privacy of our users and will make every effort to
prevent spamming and other unauthorized use of the database. The infor-
mation you provide will not be sold or distributed to advertisers. The
data provided will help us to inform registered members about current
and new services, develop new features based on user preferences, and
contact members for comment.

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Please complete all the items in the registration form below and

Thank you!

(Mark an 'X' wherever applicable)

Full name: [ ]

Organization: [ ]

Country: [ ]

Email address: [ ]

Profession: [ ]

Occupational category: (choose ONLY one)

Clinical [ ]
Public Health [ ]
Health Management [ ]
Drugs and Medical supplies [ ]
Information Systems [ ]
Other (specify) [ ]

Main Speciality: [ ]

Area of interest: [ ]

Preferred language(s): English [ ] French [ ] Spanish [ ]

Would you like to be a Resource Contact: Yes [ ] No [ ]

(If you choose 'yes', you will make yourself available to others for
networking. Your name, profession, occupational speciality, area of in-
terest, and email address will be made available)

Do you wish to receive information from The Family Planning Managers
Electronic Resource Center? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Send the completed form to the following email address:

Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `'.
Mail administrative requests to `'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `'.