SATELLIFE Job Announcement

Position: Field Officer (Africa)
Salary: Commensurate with experience

Closing date for applications: January 31, 2002

SATELLIFE is a non-profit organization based in Watertown, Massachu-
setts, USA that created and maintains a global health information and
communication network called HealthNet. The Field Officer will repre-
sent SATELLIFE�s interests in Africa and oversee its activities
throughout the continent. The primary responsibility will be to pro-
mote the "HealthNet vision" of building communities of health profes-
sionals who use information technology for knowledge acquisition and
sharing. This will be achieved in large part by assisting new and ex-
isting HealthNet sites to achieve their full potential by acquiring
new technical and administrative skills, business planning, and mar-
keting. The Field Officer will also help the HealthNet sites acquire
the capacity to serve as hubs for the aggregation and dissemination
of local content in addition to the current offerings of low-cost
email, IT training, and SATELLIFE�s Information Services.

The Field Officer will also be responsible for promoting the Health-
Net vision generally throughout Africa. This will involve educating
health professionals about the services available to them, recruiting
new users, and stimulating interest in the establishment of new
HealthNet sites.

The Field Officer will also be responsible for establishing and main-
taining the SATELLIFE Field Office. This will include registering the
office with local officials, procuring office equipment, establishing
and maintaining the office�s finances, etc.

The site of the Field Office is yet to be determined, but it may be
co-located with an existing HealthNet. The Field Officer will report
directly to the Director of Programs at SATELLIFE�s office in Water-
town, Massachusetts, USA.

The Field Officer will:

* have an undergraduate degree, and preferably a graduate degree, in
  medicine, public health, information technology, business, informat-
  ics, or health library sciences and 3-5 years relevant experience;
* be comfortable using email, the World Wide Web, CD-ROM and other
  basic computer applications, including office management software
* be able to train or hire competent trainers in the use of email,
  the World Wide Web, CD-ROM and other basic computer applications;
* be eager to champion the �HealthNet vision� and to represent
  SATELLIFE locally, regionally, and internationally;
* be familiar with the editorial and quality control issues involved
  with selecting and disseminating locally generated information;
* have an understanding of the major public health trends in Africa;
* have sufficient familiarity with business planning, marketing, ac-
  counting, etc. to contract consultants on behalf of SATELLIFE and the
  HealthNet sites as needed;
* be willing to travel throughout Africa and to the U.S.
* have outstanding interpersonal and cross-cultural communication
* be able to work well both collaboratively and independently.

To apply for this position, send a current resume, cover letter and
three references to:

Rebecca Riccio
Director of Programs
30 California Street
Watertown, MA 02472, USA
Fax: +1-617-926-1212

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