AFRO-NETS> Health Cards (34)

Health Cards (34)

Health Cards have been in Kenya for a long time at the Provincial,
District, Sub-District Hospitals and the rural health facilities (such as
dispensaries and health centres). If I am not mistaken Maurice King
mentioned it in his book "Health Care for Developing Countries".

The "card" is an exercise book which is filled by the clinician with all
the details. The facility keeps a register of patient with the final
diagnosis and treatment given. So far the health facilities only retain
inpatient notes and files for outpatients who are seen by specialists.

The Health Card is an exercise book bought by the patient from a nearby
duka (a shop).This helps the facility in reducing their stationary costs.
The card is given a number which is valid for one year. Thus the first
patient seen in 1997 is given the number as 1/97.The second patient is
2/97.This also helps the facility to know how many new patients are seen in
a year. A re-visit is not given a new number but is marked as a re-visit in
the clinic register.

The clinics prefer the system since it saves them space and the trouble
of looking after the records. In case the patient decides to seek treatment
at another clinic, the exercise book provides the clinician with history of
past medical illness, treatment etc.

Of course a lot of Kenyans get Afro-Nets.

Dr. S.K Sharif
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