HIF-net at WHO
INASP-Health/Health Information Forum with the World Health Organiza-
Working together to improve access to reliable information for
healthcare workers in developing and transitional countries 'HIF-net
at WHO' is *the* email discussion list dedicated to issues of health
information access in resource-poor settings. Launched in July 2000,
the list promotes cross-sectoral communication among providers and
users of health information. It currently has 325 active partici-
pants, including health professionals, librarians, publishers, NGOs,
and international agencies.
How to join
Send an e-mail message directly to the list moderator, Neil Pakenham-
Walsh (NPW), at:
(This will be received manually, so it doesn't matter what you put in
the subject line.)
In the body of the message, say you would like to participate in
'HIF-net at WHO' and give your name, affiliation, and professional
interests. This will be used to construct your HIF PARTICIPANT
PROFILE, which will be sent to you for checking. This profile will be
appended to any message you send to the list, for the benefit of oth-
ers on the list.
What next?
NPW will subscribe you to the list. The WHO server will automatically
send you a welcome message with details on how to participate.
For a full information sheet on 'HIF-net at WHO', send an e-mail to:
Leave the subject line blank, and in the message-box type:
info hif-net
Messages to the whole list should be sent to:
Health Information Forum is run as an activity of the INASP-Health
Best wishes,
Neil Pakenham-Walsh
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.