[afro-nets] HIV/AIDS Marathon Kenya 2004

HIV/AIDS Marathon Kenya 2004

Dear Friends,

I am writing today to tell you about some exciting plans which
are taking shape for an HIV/AIDS Marathon in Kenya on World AIDS
Day 2004. This is the brainchild of Richard Brodsky, an HIV+
runner who is also a poet, an author, a loving father and part-
ner, and who has brain cancer but remains undaunted in his ef-
forts to help others and spread a message of hope and education
about HIV/AIDS. For more on Richard and his book, "Jodi: The
Greatest Love Story Ever Told", please see:

To sign up for the AIDS Marathon e-forum where this event is
currently being discussed, please send a blank e-mail to:
and go to the group home page at:

The marathon in Kenya is now being discussed by about 30 par-
ticipants in this forum, many of whom are making contacts world-
wide in support of this effort, and much work and planning are
already happening on the ground in Kenya. HIV/AIDS nonprofits,
youth-related organizations, development and tech-related
groups, a travel agency, and soon a communications company are
all working to fit various pieces of the whole initiative to-
gether, and outreach is now happening to the UN and UNAIDS, is
being contemplated with the International Olympic Committee
(which has joined with UNAIDS to highlight HIV/AIDS issues as
they relate to sports and to the Olympics), to a number of pos-
sible donors and foundations, to sports-equipment companies, and
sponsors will hopefully be found soon.

One exciting component envisioned will hopefully be several
types of "humanitarian safaris", which will visit organizations
helping children affected by HIV/AIDS and spend time with the
children themselves, for instance, or wildlife and travel safa-
ris where a portion of proceeds will be donated to such nonprof-
its. The race itself will feature Kenyan and non-Kenyan runners
who will pay an entry fee, thus making a donation themselves, as
the goal is to generate funds which will be donated to a number
of organizations in Kenya who address HIV/AIDS. The incomparable
Kenyan athlete Kip Keino, who is head of the Kenya Olympic Com-
mittee and runs a children's school and home in Eldoret with his
wife, is now an eager participant, helping to map out the mara-
thon route and contacting organizations and individuals within
Kenya and elsewhere for support.

A meeting is being scheduled in Kenya for June 21st at 2pm at
the KICC Cafeteria in Nairobi. Contacts for more information on
this meeting include Serah Njoroge of Eastern and Southern Safa-
ris at mailto:info@essafari.co.ke and see the website at
http://www.essafari.co.ke , or call her at +254-20-242828 or
212371 and mobile +254-722-832795. Also Hillary Koech of ITDG-
EA at +254-20-2713540 or 2719-313 and 413, or e-mail
mailto:hillary.koech@itdg.or.ke . Kennedy Onyango of CISSO/OVF-
Kenya, another contact, can be reached at
mailto:kennedy@onevillage.biz , and Stan Tuvako of
KAIPPG/ANFORD/ActALIVE is at mailto:tuvakoklub2@yahoo.com . In
the USA, Ingrid Kloet and Steve Garrett of the GNP+, NM Poz Coa-
lition, and Planet Poz are serving as the non-profit organizers
of this event, and they can be reached at
mailto:Ingrid@spinn.net and mailto:tagg24@spinn.net . Also see
http://www.planetpoz.org , or call +1-505-280-2218 (mobile) and
+1-505-298-2644. Richard can be reached at
mailto:richardbpc@aol.com and by phone at +1-516-432-8520.

With greatest thanks and all best wishes, and hope to welcome
you as a partner and participant soon!

Janet Feldman
Director, KAIPPG/International

The day of African Child... What are parent's responsibility?

Hallo there!

Today is the day of African child, where parents should give
chance to their children to voice out, love them and the like...

My interest today is reminding parents that they have responsi-
bilities to their children, and I will urge my fellow parents to
consider the followings facts from the available data:

1. 56% of people testing HIV positive at the VCT facility in
Tanzania are married (most likely with children).

2. At least 29% of married men have extra marital relationship.

3. At least 7% of married women have extramarital relationship.

4. Orphans in Tanzania are estimated to be over 2.5 million.

5. Out of the orphans estimated 45% are heading house hold.

6. Life expectancy by 2010 is estimated to be 47 years as op-
posed to estimated 56 years without AIDS, meaning we will leave
our children very young.

It is important for each of us to get to the grip with this re-
ality and identify his/her position. Working with different com-
munities one finds out that we often do not think about the fate
of our children when taking risk!


My second appeal to children is that more often than not when
they voice out, they demand for their rights, not mentioning
their responsibility. I wish to say that while children have
rights they are demanding, parents and guardian should help them
to understand each right is ascribed to a responsibility.

Hope we all enjoy this day for the betterment of our families.


Dr.P.S. Bujari,(MD Dar)
P.O.Box 65147, Dar es Salaam
HIV/AIDS Advisor Action Aid Tanzania
Urambo Street, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel. +255-22-2150711 Ext 111
Tel. +255-741-217127, +255-748-217127
Fax: +255-22-2151003