AFRO-NETS> Hospital Information System (4)

Hospital Information System (4)

S K Nayak wrote:

Hospital Information System (2)

Can somebody please translate the following into English or Sanskrit
or Hindi or Oriya or Bengali (sorry these are the only languages I
can read).

Your requested translation:

Hi, Afro-Net People

For several years the health policies of various African countries have
focused on the development of basic providers. The hospital care system
as a result has been excluded from health cards. This seems to me a
mistake, because very few hospitals play their role as reference cen-

The function of dispensaries should be taken into account in the health
cards. This is only possible across well adapted hospital information

Any contribution on this subject is welcome.

Karin A. Dumbaugh
5 Acorn Street, Boston, MA 02108-3501, USA
Tel: +1-617 248-9866
Fax: +1-617 248-9866

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