[afro-nets] In preparation of People's Health Assembly II - part 4

In preparation of People's Health Assembly II - part 4

In a nutshell, the People's Health Movement promotes a wide
range of approaches and initiatives to combat the ill-effects of
the triple assault by the forces of globalization, liberaliza-
tion and privatization on health, health systems and health
care. In more detail, these initiatives call for:

a. combating the negative impacts of Globalization as a world-
wide economic and political ideology and process;

b. significantly reforming the International Financial Institu-
tions and the WTO to make them more responsive to poverty alle-
viation and the Health for All-Now! Movement;

c. a forgiveness of the foreign debt of least developed coun-
tries and the use of its equivalent for poverty reduction,
health and education activities;

d. greater checks and restraints of the freewheeling powers of
transitional corporations, especially pharmaceutical houses (and
mechanisms to ensure their compliance).
