Initiative for Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health in Health Reforms
Urgent search for expertise and information
I am co-ordinating the Initiative for Sexual and Reproductive Rights
and Health in Health Reforms, and it would seem that the AFRO-NETS
network would be a great mechanism for sharing information and draw-
ing on people in the African region to participate.
We are currently writing review papers on what information is avail-
able within Africa on six themes, all in relation to sexual and re-
productive rights and health:
* health financing
* public/private partnerships
* priority setting in relation to the primary care package
* decentralisation of services
* integration of services at primary care level
* service accountability and consumer / community participation in
design and monitoring of policy and service implementation
We are in the very last moments of gathering information so I would
be enormously appreciative of any suggestions regarding people to
contact who're working in this area and may have research reports,
articles and the like to share.
I am also looking for African experts in this field to participate in
an international expert consultation meetings to review the work and
identify both a further research agenda and issues which require fur-
ther advocacy - see the attached info for a broader description of
this initiative.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Barbara Klugman
Women's Health Project
P O Box 1038
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27-11-489-9910; home 884-6037
Fax: +27-11-489-9922
The Initiative for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Health Reforms
This research and advocacy initiative aims to
* strengthen understanding amongst activists and decision-makers of
the role of health sector reform [HSR] in facilitating or undermining
efforts to achieve sexual and reproductive rights and health [SRRH]
policies and programmes;
* identify and advocate for strategies to maximise positive outcomes
with regard to sexual and reproductive health and services.
The key foci are:
* health financing
* public/private partnerships
* priority setting in relation to the primary care package
* decentralisation of services
* integration of services at primary care level
* service accountability and consumer / community participation in
design and monitoring of policy and service implementation
Phase 1: (January 2002 June 2003)
* Region-wide networking to identify and link academics, advocates
and governments in the public health, health financing, gender
mainstreaming, law, population and SRRH fields;
* Literature reviews and information gathering through Africa, Asia,
Latin America and internationally to learn lessons and identify gaps
in knowledge;
* Hosting of expert consultations and a multi-disciplinary colloquium
to assess findings, explore synergies and identify opportunities for
research and advocacy.
Phase 2: (July 2003 July 2006)
* Identifying and implementing strategies for action through
dialogues with international and national decision-makers and
capacity building workshops with SRRH NGOs;
* Multi-country studies to explore the identified gaps in knowledge.
The Initiative Team is:
* For Latin America CEDES: Silvina Ramos, Mariana Romero, M�nica
* For Asia - Independent researchers - Sundari Ravindran, Ranjani K.
Murthy; MIDS - Padmini Swaminathan; ARROW ? Rashidah Abdullah
* For Africa Women�s Health Project: Barbara Klugman, Julia
Moorman, Mary Kawonga, Desir� Kikomba
* in co-operation with the Department of Reproductive Health and
Research of the World Health Organization
* The Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women
* The Latin American and Caribbean Women�s Health Network
* Amanitare
* Organisation / Institution (if appropriate):
* Name:
* Names of any other colleagues who should be included:
* Brief (maximum 50 words) description of current work in this field:
* E-mail:
* Web site:
* Postal address (including country):
* Can we include the above on our website Yes __ No __
* Can we distribute the above to others in the field? Yes __ No __
* [For WHP's purposes but not for website:]
* Phone number including state / city codes:
* Fax number including state / city codes:
Suggestions, information, references, or contacts you have:
* about initiative as a whole:
* about specific topics:
Contact details
'Rights and Reforms' - Women�s Health Project
P O Box 1038
Johannesburg 2000, South Africa
Fax: +27-11-489-9922
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