[afro-nets] Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets Project (2)

Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets Project (2)

Thank you Sergio for your concern.

I am Dr Joseph Shu, a Public Health Physician currently coordinating a
Plan International (Plan Cameroon) USAID funded Expanded Impact Child
Survival Project in 11 health Districts in Cameroo. In a recent baseline
survey we found out that only 11% of children below 5 years of age slept
under an ITN the night before. That is to say the ITN use was just 11%.

When we interviewed the mothers on the reasons of this poor rate, the
major factor that stood out conspicuousely was cost. An insecticide
treated net is socially marketed in Cameroon at $8 US. Most of the
families live below $1 US and therefore cannot afford for the ITNs.

According to the United Nations Millenium Development Goals Report 2005,
the Central African Sub region (where Cameroon belongs) has the least
ITN use rate as compared to the rest of Africa. Inspite of the Global
Fund grant for the fight against malaria through which ITNs were
distributed free of charge to under 5 children, the situation remains
bleek (11% use).

I am sure that an initiative like that of Sergio is worth supporting.

National Coordinator
Expanded Impact Child Survival Project (EIP)
Plan Cameroon/HKI/ACMS(PSI)
Yaounde Cameroon
Tel. Office:+237-221-0872
         Or +237-221-5458
Cell: +237-793-6576
Fax: +237-221-5457