Integrated HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Short Course
5th - 16th September 2005
Nairobi - Kenya
AMREF Directorate of Learning Systems is pleased to announce the
Integrated HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Course that
will take place on 5th - 16th September 2005 at the AMREF Inter-
national Training Centre, Nairobi - Kenya.
The course is designed for a multi-disciplinary team of health-
care workers who play an important role in the comprehensive
care of HIV infected person(s). These include doctors, nurses,
counsellors, pharmacists, clinical officers, laboratory techni-
cians, community health workers etc.
By the end of this course, participants should demonstrate
knowledge, skills and attitudes requisite to provision of com-
prehensive care of PLWAs including counselling and testing, pre-
ventive therapies, diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic in-
fections, rational use of antiretroviral agents, care of chil-
dren and women infected with HIV/AIDS and some programmatic is-
sues in HIV/AIDS care.
The participants upon successful attendance of all the 8 modules
will be awarded an AMREF certificate of participation.
1. Computer laboratory with internet access
2. A well-equipped clinical laboratory where trainees carry out
practical examinations
3. A state-of-the-art health library which provides access to
information that is otherwise unavailable locally
* Training costs (US$ 480)
This covers tuition fees, lunch, stationery, field trips and all
course related learning materials.
* Accommodation (US$ 35 per day)
To cover half board accommodation (bed, dinner and breakfast)
including daily transport to and from the training venue using
the AMREF bus.
Module 1: Introduction to HIV/AIDS
Session 1: History and Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
Session 2: Natural History of HIV infection
Session 3: Laboratory Diagnosis of HIV Infection
Session 4: Antiretroviral Agents: Classification, modes of ac-
tion, side effects
Session 5: Practicum/Case studies
Module 2: Introduction to Counseling and Psychosocial Support of
Session 1: Principles of counseling
Session 2: Introduction to VCT and DTC
Session 3: Addressing stigma and discrimination
Session 4: Practicum/case studies
Module 3: Medical care of adults and adolescents with HIV/AIDS
Session 1: The Comprehensive Care Concept, Principles of Chronic
Session 2: HIV associated conditions: Management and Preventive
* Fever in HIV/AIDS
* Gastrointestinal Conditions in HIV/AIDS
* Respiratory Conditions in HIV/AIDS
* Neurological Conditions in HIV/AIDS
* Dermatological manifestations of HIV
* HIV related cancers
Session 3: Integrating prevention and care
Session 4: Antiretroviral therapy in adults and adolescents
* Initiating HAART (Evaluation, Standard Treatment Regimens)
* The clinical laboratory for HIV/AIDS care in resource limited
* Managing side-effects of antiretroviral therapy
* Adherence monitoring and counseling
Session 5: Practicum/case studies
Module 4: Special Issues in Managing Women with HIV/AIDS
Session 1: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
Session 2: ART in Women
Session 3: Practicum/case studies
Module 5: HIV/AIDS in children
Session 1: Epidemiology of pediatric HIV
Session 2: Special considerations in the diagnosis of HIV in
Session 3: Natural History of HIV infection in children
Session 4: Antiretroviral therapy in children
Session 5: Practicum/case studies
Module 6: Blood safety, Universal Precautions and Post-exposure
Session 1: Blood safety and rational use of blood and blood
products in the HIV/AIDS era
Session 2: Universal precautions
Session 3: PEP
Module 7: Supportive Care of PLWAs - Palliative Care, Home-based
care, Nutrition
Session 1: Palliative Care
Session 2: HBC
Session 3: Nutrition
Module 8: Ethical, legal and programmatic issues in HIV/AIDS
Session 1: Ethical and legal issues in care of PLWAs
Session 2: Commodity management for HIVS/AIDS programs
Session 3: Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS program inter-
To apply please fill in the application form on our website:
For more details on the course contact the undersigned.
Administrator, Training
Directorate of Learning Systems
P O Box 00506 27691
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20-605-220 ext 224
Fax: +254-20-609-518