[afro-nets] Integrated HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Course

Integrated HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Short Course

5th - 16th September 2005
Nairobi - Kenya

AMREF Directorate of Learning Systems is pleased to announce the
Integrated HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Course that
will take place on 5th - 16th September 2005 at the AMREF Inter-
national Training Centre, Nairobi - Kenya.

The course is designed for a multi-disciplinary team of health-
care workers who play an important role in the comprehensive
care of HIV infected person(s). These include doctors, nurses,
counsellors, pharmacists, clinical officers, laboratory techni-
cians, community health workers etc.

By the end of this course, participants should demonstrate
knowledge, skills and attitudes requisite to provision of com-
prehensive care of PLWAs including counselling and testing, pre-
ventive therapies, diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic in-
fections, rational use of antiretroviral agents, care of chil-
dren and women infected with HIV/AIDS and some programmatic is-
sues in HIV/AIDS care.

The participants upon successful attendance of all the 8 modules
will be awarded an AMREF certificate of participation.


1. Computer laboratory with internet access
2. A well-equipped clinical laboratory where trainees carry out
practical examinations
3. A state-of-the-art health library which provides access to
information that is otherwise unavailable locally


* Training costs (US$ 480)
This covers tuition fees, lunch, stationery, field trips and all
course related learning materials.

* Accommodation (US$ 35 per day)
To cover half board accommodation (bed, dinner and breakfast)
including daily transport to and from the training venue using
the AMREF bus.


Module 1: Introduction to HIV/AIDS
Session 1: History and Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
Session 2: Natural History of HIV infection
Session 3: Laboratory Diagnosis of HIV Infection
Session 4: Antiretroviral Agents: Classification, modes of ac-
tion, side effects
Session 5: Practicum/Case studies

Module 2: Introduction to Counseling and Psychosocial Support of
Session 1: Principles of counseling
Session 2: Introduction to VCT and DTC
Session 3: Addressing stigma and discrimination
Session 4: Practicum/case studies

Module 3: Medical care of adults and adolescents with HIV/AIDS
Session 1: The Comprehensive Care Concept, Principles of Chronic
Session 2: HIV associated conditions: Management and Preventive
* Fever in HIV/AIDS
* Gastrointestinal Conditions in HIV/AIDS
* Respiratory Conditions in HIV/AIDS
* Neurological Conditions in HIV/AIDS
* Dermatological manifestations of HIV
* HIV related cancers
Session 3: Integrating prevention and care
Session 4: Antiretroviral therapy in adults and adolescents
* Initiating HAART (Evaluation, Standard Treatment Regimens)
* The clinical laboratory for HIV/AIDS care in resource limited
* Managing side-effects of antiretroviral therapy
* Adherence monitoring and counseling
Session 5: Practicum/case studies

Module 4: Special Issues in Managing Women with HIV/AIDS
Session 1: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
Session 2: ART in Women
Session 3: Practicum/case studies

Module 5: HIV/AIDS in children
Session 1: Epidemiology of pediatric HIV
Session 2: Special considerations in the diagnosis of HIV in
Session 3: Natural History of HIV infection in children
Session 4: Antiretroviral therapy in children
Session 5: Practicum/case studies

Module 6: Blood safety, Universal Precautions and Post-exposure
Session 1: Blood safety and rational use of blood and blood
products in the HIV/AIDS era
Session 2: Universal precautions
Session 3: PEP

Module 7: Supportive Care of PLWAs - Palliative Care, Home-based
care, Nutrition
Session 1: Palliative Care
Session 2: HBC
Session 3: Nutrition

Module 8: Ethical, legal and programmatic issues in HIV/AIDS
Session 1: Ethical and legal issues in care of PLWAs
Session 2: Commodity management for HIVS/AIDS programs
Session 3: Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS program inter-

To apply please fill in the application form on our website:

For more details on the course contact the undersigned.

Administrator, Training
Directorate of Learning Systems
P O Box 00506 27691
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20-605-220 ext 224
Fax: +254-20-609-518

Youth Organise National Development Summit
Media Release


PORT HARCOURT, August 19, 2005- Port Harcourt the capital city
of Rivers State, Nigeria's oil rich state and the garden city of
Nigeria will host the first ever Nigerian Youth Leadership Sum-
mit between September 1-2, 2005. One hundred and fifty youth
leaders, professionals and activists from 25 states and the Fed-
eral Capital Territory will gather at the Integrated Cultural
Center Port Harcourt to discuss Youth leadership towards sus-
tainable national development.

According to Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima, the Executive Director of
Development Partnership International, the organisers of the
event, "the summit will be a unique opportunity for young lead-
ers to reflect on Nigeria from what they know through history
books, review Nigeria's current national development priorities
and develop strategies and initiatives to further progress with
national, regional and international development efforts."

The Summit is being organised on the background that Nigeria is
currently treading an economic path that is predicated on value
re-orientation, wealth creation, employment generation and pov-
erty eradication. The National Economic Empowerment and Develop-
ment Strategy (NEEDS) and the States' Economic Empowerment De-
velopment Strategies (SEEDS) promise a prosperous future for Ni-
geria. However, it can only be achieved if the young people ap-
preciate what promise it holds for their future well being and
they are able to identify their roles in its implementation.

The Nigerian Youth Leadership Summit will focus on five thematic
issues: Education, Environmental sustainability, Health, Employ-
ment/Entrepreneurship, and Information and Communication Tech-
nology (ICT) for development. These all fall within the priori-
ties identified in the NEEDS as well as broader development
frameworks like the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the
New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). For each is-
sue, the young leaders will examine the situation with the im-
plementation of programmes, what more needs to be done to foster
progress and sustain current achievements and how young people
can be more practically involved to move forward. The Media and
Strategy Director of DPI Mr. Adebayo Samuel said that the summit
is the climax of the organisation's "Youthful Visions for Nige-
ria tomorrow project." He continued that "it will serve as an
opportunity to come-up with a two year strategic action plan".

The summit will be very participatory, and taking the format of
plenary sessions, working group sessions, symposium and capacity
building training, the summit will be an opportunity to share
best practice, evolve strategies for development, and facilitate
inter-state youth partnerships for sustainable social change and
development. The organisers believe that one major outcome of
the Summit will be the setting-up of a youth network for social
change and development.

The Summit is being organised by Development Partnership Inter-
national, a model youth-led non-profit organisation which seeks
to develop the capacity of young leaders and their organisations
for effective, innovative and proactive social change and devel-
opment actions and to empower them for sustainable future live-
lihoods. Other organisations involved with the Summit include ;
Center for Development Support Initiatives, Life Time Caring
Ministries and NEPAD Youth Network Rivers State.

For more information, please contact:
Adebayo Samuel
Tel.: +234-803-8928-374
or visit http://www.developmentpartnership.org

Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima
Director, Development Partnership International
Rivers State HIV/AIDSResource Center
9-11 Emenike Street Mile II Diobu
Port Harcourt 500001, Nigeria
Tel.: +234-805-518-2526