[afro-nets] Integrating Gender workshop at IAC

Integrating Gender workshop at IAC

WHO is pleased to announce that a workshop will be held at the
XVth International AIDS Conference in Bangkok to discuss 'Guide-
lines on Integrating Gender into HIV/AIDS Programmes'. These
guidelines build upon the review paper produced by WHO with ICRW
"Integrating Gender into HIV/AIDS Programmes: A Review Paper"
and aim to provide practical guidance on how HIV/AIDS programmes
can address gender issues in design and implementation. They
will also serve to raise awareness about the impact of gender
inequality and gender based violence on HIV/AIDS.

The Guidelines are being drafted in collaboration with ICRW (In-
ternational Centre for Research on Women) and focus around the
following HIV/AIDS service delivery interventions:
* voluntary counselling and testing programmes (VCT);
* efforts to reduce the incidence of mother-to-child transmis-
  sion of HIV (MTCT);
* care, treatment and support programs;
* programs to address the needs and vulnerabilities of adoles-
  cents and youth.

There is also a final section on the empowerment of girls and
women. The intended audience are programme managers at WHO, UN-
AIDS and other agencies' field offices and within Ministries of
Health, as well as NGOs and others working in the health sector.

The workshop will be held on Wednesday 14 July in CV Room 9 from
14:00-17.00. It will be an excellent opportunity to inform par-
ticipants of the progress of these guidelines and to obtain
feedback. We are also keen for HIV/AIDS programme managers to
share their experiences and ideas on integrating gender into
HIV/AIDS interventions across different settings.

We very much look forward to seeing you there!

Claudia Garcia-Moreno, M.D., M.Sc.
Coordinator Gender and VAW Study
World Health Organization
Ch 1211, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22-791-4353
Fax: +41-22-791-1585