[afro-nets] Internat. Training Course on Promoting Rational Drug Use

International Training Course on Promoting Rational Drug Use in
the Community

15-24 January, 2006
Indian Institute of Health Management Research
Jaipur, India

This is a ground-breaking highly successful 10 day course devel-
oped by WHO to meet requests from many individuals and organiza-
tions, and to respond to a clear need for more effective plan-
ning, research and implementation of rational medicines use
practices in the community. It is a condensed version adopted
from the official two weeks WHO course on 'Promoting Rational
Drug Use in the Community' for health programme staff from min-
istries of health, universities, development agencies, non-
governmental and other organizations, and individuals interested
in improving drug use in the community. To encourage a larger
number of participants, utilizing the facilities at the Insti-
tute, the course fee has been kept low.


The course concentrates on methods to study and remedy inappro-
priate medicine use in the community, including an essential
analysis of what shapes medicines demand. Participants will be
exposed to practical approaches to investigating and prioritiz-
ing medicine use problems, and how to develop effective strate-
gies for change. There will also be a focus on rational use of
antibiotics, drug use in AIDS, Malaria and TB.


The course is participatory in nature and uses the knowledge,
skills and experiences of participants as a major resource
throughout. Teaching methods include group activities, field-
work, presentations and discussions. The course will be con-
ducted in English, and given its interactive nature, the par-
ticipants are required to have a good command of this language
to participate efficiently. The course materials have been de-
veloped as per the guidelines of WHO and the International Net-
work for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) in collaboration with
eminent colleagues in this field. The participants will thus be
exposed to a wide range of national and international experi-


Essential Medicines Concept
What influences medicines use by the consumers
Investigating medicines use pattern and identifying problems
How to prioritize problems related to medicines use by the com-
Conducting a rapid appraisal to analyze problems and identifica-
tion of solutions
Fieldwork and data analysis
Monitoring and evaluation
Face-to-face education
Developing research projects linked to interventions
Advocacy and networking
Understanding rational use of drug use in AIDS, Malaria, and TB


Jawahar S. Bapna MD, PhD, FAMS
Professor, Health & Pharma Management
Indian Institute of Health Management Research
1, Prabhu Dayal Marg
Airport Road
Jaipur - 302 011, India


WHO's Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy (EDM), Geneva and
SEARO, New Delhi

Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs (DSPRUD),
New Delhi, India

Rajasthan Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs
(RSPRUD), Jaipur, India

Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA)


The fee of Rs. 20,000 (US$ 450) covers tuition, course materi-
als, field visit, airport/station pickup, shared accommodation
at the Institute Guest House and three meals a day. Interested
candidates may send CV along with the plan of activities related
to RUD that they would like to conduct in their region after at-
tending the course. The last date of application is November 30,