AFRO-NETS> Internet may aid Africa Colleges (17)

Internet may aid Africa Colleges (17)

While I was initially sceptical of an expenditure of $ 1 million to
"transmit public health seminars from US and UK Universities", the
ensuing sensible discussion on Afro-Net leads me to believe that there
is enough talent and energy in Africa to take full advantage of these
funds. The points against the project are well taken, but perhaps they
underestimate the ability of the African professionals to utilize the
net to their best advantage and as they see fit. If this expenditure
provides equipment, internet access (net user charges), and funds for
faculty for Universities in Africa who have terrific ideas, but now
cannot afford the computers, the access charges, and the faculty
support, why would the $ 1 million not be well spent?

As to how this should be integrated with libraries, it seems that each
of the participating Universities and University librarians would need
to decide for themselves.

An issue I would like to see discussed more is how the internet seminars
would affect the market for education in public health, etc. Now Africa
is an important "market" for UK and US University degree programs and
continuing education courses. Would the internet allow more Africans
take these courses from their home base? How would that simplified
access and lower cost to a degree from the London School of Hygiene, for
example, affect the developing African degree programs and continuing
education courses? Would professionals in the UK and the US be a potential
market for African University programs?

Looking forward to a lively discussion.

Karin A. Dumbaugh
The Harvard Intl. Health Leadership Forum

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