Job Vacancy in South Africa
The Health Systems Trust is looking for a dynamic public health profes-
sional to work in its district development project, the Initiative for
Sub-District Support. This is a project that currently consists of a
team of 24 health professionals.
The project is designed to provide sustained and multi-pronged support
to the Department in Health through the development of interventions in
a number of "learning sites" across the country.
The idea of the initiative is to stimulate the development of the
health system as a whole to improve the quality of Primary health care
delivery. The issues involved range from providing assistance in pro-
gramme development to facilitating health systems development of sup-
porting management interventions.
As a facilitator, you would be expected to work with and through the
Health system by providing the following inputs:
*training and support
*strategic thinking
*policy development
*health planning research
*commissioning or sub-contracting research
*helping to develop consensus around clinical or policy issues
More information on the ISDS is available on our web-site:
A person with experience working in Primary Health Care (up to and in-
cluding district hospital) would be ideal. A nursing or medical back-
ground would be preferable, but not obligatory.
The current vacancy is for a facilitator to work in the Northern Cape
province of the country.
Salary is in local currency and is based on South African scales of re-
The position needs to be filled as soon as possible within the next
four months
Post: available for one year, with the option for extension.
To apply: send a CV (with details of two referees) to
Mosula Njikelana-Ntshona
David McCoy
Initiative for Sub District Support
Health Systems Trust
46 Sawkins Road
Rondebosch 7700
South Africa
Tel: +27-21-686-8621
Fax: +27-21-686-8635
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `'.
Mail administrative requests to `'.
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