[afro-nets] Join Health Research for Development (HR4D-net) e-forum

Dear colleagues,

This is an invitation to all with an interest in research for health to join Health Research for Development (HR4D-net), the official email forum for the Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health, which takes place in Bamako on 17-19 November 2008.

The Global Ministerial Forum has three key objectives, and debate on *how* to achieve these objectives is currently starting on HR4D-net:

OBJECTIVE 1. STRENGTHEN LEADERSHIP FOR HEALTH, EQUITY AND DEVELOPMENT: – empower governments to develop structured and prioritized policies for research for health as part of their broader research strategies;
– improve systems capacities for the implementation of these policies; and
– enhance international collaboration to address global and national health research challenges

– ensure inclusion of public and private actors, different sectors and disciplines, civil society, and local, national and international organizations in a coherent and coordinated manner
– include stakeholders in both the content and process of such research

– measure outcomes and assess impact of research for health;
– monitor initiatives and partnerships involved in research for health; and
– earn public confidence by setting standards for fair and transparent research processes

To join HR4D-net, send an email to:


Please include:
1. Your full name
2. Organisation
3. Country of residence
4. Brief description of professional interests.

To view the email archive, go to:
and click on 'Messages'

For more information about the conference, visit:

Best wishes,

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, Assistant moderator

Please see below a welcome message from the Bamako 2008 Secretariat:

HR4D-NET: Bamako 2008: HR4D-net hosts the official e-Forum for the 2008 Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health

Welcome to the official e-Forum for Bamako 2008

The e-Forum discussion on HR4D-net looks forward to your views and comments on the main objectives and key themes of the 2008 Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health, which will be held from 17-19 November in Bamako, Mali.

The conference will address key issues in intersectoral research for health, including :

* how can research for health help people in both developing and developed countries to adapt to climate change? What are the key research areas which need to be expanded in order to address the various challenges to health and health security posed by climate change?

* how can interdisciplinary research be stimulated to tackle other intersectoral challenges such as issues of food security and nutrition? or the growing burden of chronic non-communicable diseases in developing countries?

* how can research and innovation systems be best organised for health and health equity in developing countries?

* what mechanisms are needed to make the funding of research more accountable to countries' real needs?

* how can civil society organisations become more involved both in the process of research, and the broader question of which research issues are prioritised and addressed, given limited resources?

Please visit the conference website (at http://www.bamako2008.org/) which has already has a wealth of information on the conference including the outcomes of the two previous high-level conferences on health research, in Bangkok in 2000, and in Mexico City in 2004. There have also been preparatory meetings held around the world over the past year, in various regions, which have generated great interest and involvement. The reports and declarations from these meetings can be read on the website, and the conference programme for Bamako 2008 itself will be published shortly.

Over the next few weeks the moderators of HR4D-net will be introducing the main objectives of the conference, and asking you to share your views, experiences, and best practices in research for health. Once the draft Bamako Statement/Plan of Action has been prepared and posted on the Bamako website you will have the opportunity to comment on the draft resolutions and to have an input up until the time of the conference itself. During the conference, up-to-the-minute reporting will keep you in touch with developments and debates in the various sessions. We look forward to an exciting and vibrant discussion!

With best wishes to all,


Head of Secretariat
2008 Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health
1-5 route des Morillons

1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 791 1603
Fax: +41 22 791 4394
e-mail: grobickia@who.int
Visit our website at http://www.bamako2008.org/