AFRO-NETS> Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report (2)

Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report (2)

Dear Colleagues,

Before we endorse male circumcision as a preventive strategy for HIV
transmission, let us remember that in most of Africa, male circumci-
sion is performed by local traditional "surgeons" with little or no
benefit of equipment sterilization nor aseptic techniques. In fact, I
once wrote a research proposal to investigate how this practice (cir-
cumcision), as well as facial scarification and other tattooing proc-
esses may contribute to the spread of HIV. I will appreciate addi-
tional comments about this conjecture.


Dele Ogunseitan, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Harvard University
79 JFK Street Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

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