[afro-nets] Looking for papers on Malaria

Looking for papers on Malaria


I am looking for articles on malaria; specifically articles that
deal with the cultural/behavioural aspects that govern partici-
pation in intervention programs. Please e-mail me with any sug-
gestions and/or papers in English and/or French.

Thank you,

Sonia F.

Looking for papers on Malaria (2)

Hi Sonia,

I suggest you contact Vittoria Lutje at Liverpool University
(email address: <vlutje@liverpool.ac.uk> ). She is the information
specialist at the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group and she
manages the specialised register for the group. She has a data-
base of all published malaria trials. Even if she cannot help
you she might be able to pass you on to someone who can.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Liesl A. Grobler, PhD
UCT/MRC Research unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine
Department of Human Biology, University of Cape Town
P.O. Box 115
Newlands, 7725
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27-21-650-5125
Fax: +27-21-686-7530

Looking for papers on Malaria (3)


Roll Back Malaria (RBM) publishes a weekly newsletter, Malaria
in the news, with the latest malaria-related stories from a va-
riety of media. This list is provided as a reference tool for
RBM website users; inclusion of an article in no way implies en-
dorsement by RBM or its founding partners of its content.

You can read the news online by selecting "News and events" and
then "Malaria in the news" from the RBM page http://rbm.who.int

or receive the newsletter by e-mail. To register, please contact
the Editor Marina Gavrioushkin at <gavrioushkinam@who.int>

Have a good day,

Madeleine Anne Decker
Documentation Officer
WHO Mozambique

Looking for papers on Malaria (4)


see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?DB=pubmed
and use keywords as follows or and other relevant combinations
for searching in database:

malaria - malaria control - malaria cultivation

Limits for publication date from ......... should be used.
Otherwise you will receive a huge number of records.

Next time use your signature (full name and affiliation) in the
e-mail. The purpose of a request should be mentioned.

Professor Karel Hruska
CENTAUR network coordinator and editor
Veterinary Biotechnology, Epidemiology and Food Safety Network
Veterinary Research Institute
Hudcova 70
621 32 Brno
Czech Republic
Tel.: +4205-3333-2014
Fax: +4205-4121-1229

Looking for papers on Malaria (5)

Dear Sonia,

Navrongo has done considerable work on malaria. You may visit
their site at: http://www.navrongo.org and explore.

Good luck,

Niagia Santuah

Looking for papers on Malaria (7)

Hello all:

Thank you for the advice; these are great resources.


Sonia Fankem, MS
Doctoral Student, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of Arizona College of Public Health