Malaria Information CD-ROM
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce the first release of the UNDP/World Bank/TDR
CD-ROM of malaria information. Included in this release is all the
data, sequence and otherwise, normally found at the WHO web site to-
gether with genome data kindly made available by the three malaria se-
quencing centres at Sanger, TIGR and Stanford University. There are
over 300 Mb of various sorts of data on the CD.
The CD-ROM is available free of charge and can be read on both PC and
Macintosh platforms. The CD-ROM will automatically be sent to all re-
cipients of the WHO database who used to receive floppy disk mailouts.
Anyone else wishing the CD-ROM should e-mail Karena Waller:
Fax: +61-3-9905-4811
Clearly the data will only include that available at the time of press-
ing and more recent data can be accessed via the web at the relevant
URLs. Please note that all unfinished genome sequence is provisional
only and governed by the release policy of the individual sequence cen-
The CD-ROMs will appear 2-3 times a year and will be developed into a
more comprehensive information resource. All suggestions for inclusions
or improvements will be gratefully sought.
Ross Coppel
Professor Ross Coppel
Current address until January 4th:
2000 NCBI, Building 38A,
Room 8N805
8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD, 20894, USA
Tel: +1-301-402-0735
+1-301-435-3501 (after August 18)
Fax: +1-301-480-9241 (still functions)
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