Malaria Knowledge Programme - Gender and Malaria
Dear colleagues,
The Malaria Knowledge Programme at the Liverpool School of
Tropical Hygiene has been working to transform people's vulner-
ability to malaria into resilience. The primary focus of re-
search has been on vulnerability, gender, community based ini-
tiatives, diagnostics and laboratory services, vector control
and urban malaria.
Please take a look at the following two MKP policy briefs on
gender perspectives in malaria management and gender mainstream-
ing in health.
Gender perspectives in malaria management:
Gender roles and relations within the household are of crucial
importance to the management of childhood malaria. Women's ac-
cess to resources and their bargaining power within the house-
hold have a significant influence on their treatment seeking be-
haviour for children with malaria. MKP supported district level
government workers to conduct a situational analysis using
qualitative and participatory research methods to explore gender
perspectives. This contributes to a growing body of knowledge of
the importance of using gender analysis in malaria management.
Gender mainstreaming in health: the possibilities and con-
straints of involving district-level field workers:
The involvement of district-level workers in local-level practi-
cal approaches to mainstreaming gender in health is central to
facilitating change and informing health strategies. MKP led a
project in Ghana to facilitate District Level Health Management
Teams and district-level field workers to conduct qualitative
and participatory research on gender aspects of access to health
care for malaria. The results have informed strategies to im-
prove gender equity in health at the community level.
Please forward this on to other colleagues who you think would
be interested or contact Rachel Tolhurst
for more information.
Hard copies of documents can be obtained by contacting Alison
All Malaria Knowledge Programme Policy Briefs can be found at
Thank you.
Alison Dunn
On behalf of MKP
Research Officer - Exchange / Healthlink Worldwide
56-64 Leonard Street
London, EC2A 4JX U.K.
Tel: +44-207-549-0250
Fax: +44-207-549-0241
Healthlink Worldwide is working with
The Malaria Knowledge Programme at the Liverpool School of
Tropical Medicine to communicate and disseminate research find-
All MKP outputs can be found at: